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Help with Date Diff function in Adobe Sign

New Here ,
Jan 16, 2023 Jan 16, 2023

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I am sure there is an answer for this somewhere on these forums but I am at my wits end after nearly 2 days of searching and googling.  I have a PDF template we use when customers want to cancel their contracts with us.  However, we don't allow them to cancel their contracts until a # of days have passed.  I want the PDF form to Validate if that date has passed.  I have tried a few different ways and keep coming up blank and it usually relates to using the dateDiff function in Adobe Sign.  


When we prepare the form to send to the customer we enter the contract start date (field name CStartDate) as one of our fields. 

I created a hidden field and ran a script to fill today's date (todayDate) before uploading the template to Adobe Sign, and then another field to try and calculate the difference in days between these 2 fields.  I did this part in Adobe Sign using the function genrator as dateDiff("d", CStartDate, todayDate) and set the display as field to Number.  

The function passes the Expression Syntax Checker but doesn't actually fill the field with anything and just displays the formula.


How do i get it to work and give me a solution?


Adobe Sign forms , Manage documents






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