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How to delete unused agreements

Explorer ,
Sep 23, 2022 Sep 23, 2022

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As a result of several tests I have over a ahundred unused agreemnts in the Adobe Acrobat online "Sign" thingy.

It is impossible to delete them


How please do I delete the agreements?

1. It is my property. Adobe has no right to unallow me from deleting my own stuff

2. I found https://helpx.adobe.com/sign/kb/to-delete-a-document-from-manage-Page.html, yet it is written so that it cannot be followed. First, no "Adobe Sign Privacy Admin" exists anywhere, second, there should be a link "go here and do that", and not a bunch of instructions that leave the user - who by the way pays almost one hundred dollars monthly for this software (adobe) confused.
3. Please someone clearly explain how we can delete any agreement stored on the thing.


It is not only my right to delete them, it is also the a and o of every good business to keep things tidy, and given the messy interface of adobe, it seems that is simply not possible. Thus, please, also improve the product.

Manage documents , Manage security and compliance , User interface issues






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