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Pre- and post-contract form fields & signatures

New Here ,
Dec 06, 2024 Dec 06, 2024

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TL;DR - I need clients to set goals in part of a form, then come back later and score progress on those goals in the same form. Signatures are required both times. Is this possible?


I have a form in which multiple clients (intern and employer) fill in and sign only some form fields at the beginning of a process, and then they fill out the rest of the fields and sign the form again at the end of that process, usually around 3 months later. These cannot be separate forms, because clients are identifying goals in a left-hand column on each page (call it "phase 1") and then evaluating those goals in a right-hand column on the same page (call it "phase 2.")

I would like to send the form out in "phase 1" and then resend the same form for phase 2, which should include the user-entered content from phase 1, so clients can enter evaluation scores on the goals entered the first time they filled out the form.

Lastly, as the program supervisor, I need to sign the form after all of the above is completed - I don't need to sign for phase 1, only for phase 2.

I hope I've explained this clearly - thanks for your help!

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