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Using the same template for sending several forms at once

New Here ,
Mar 23, 2021 Mar 23, 2021

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I would like to send a few copies of the same form to people for signatures, and there are also boxes to check.  However, the specifc information used to complete each form is different (so, someone may check "yes" on one form and "no" on another).  I am also using the sender "prefill" feature.  I have tried to use a template and so added it several times so I could send all forms at once.  The problem is that whatever is done on one form automatically appears on all forms.  For example, if I enter a name in a prefill field, that name appears in that field on all forms, and if a box is checked on one form, it copies to all the forms.  I thought I could just renumber the fields on each form, but that did not help.  Is there any way to do this (other than the sending each form separately?).

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