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Ive been making digital sculptures in NOMAD (like blender) and exporting them into aero however Aero has failed to maintain the texture and colour of the original files. I have tried trouble shooting by baking textures in blender as well but it has still failed. Does anyone have a solution? How can i maintain a colour and texture in Aeros software? Do i need to use Adobe Substance? (i am trying to achieve a soft colour and a glossy texture) Ive been exporting the files as both an GLB and an OBJ- neither of which have worked in terms of texture. each time it ends up being a dark orange colour/ or white and matte.
If you have tips please share!
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Hi @Ardyn26266693hevo , I'd be happy to take a look at your export from Nomad to investigate the issue, Can I pm you for the asset? Thanks!
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Tried bot and it does work. Aero can however be a bit fussy with files are organized. Very much missing is however the ability to control the light, shinyness, and saturation of the imprted model relative to the background. It often ends up having incorrect shinyness and on the drak side. Included is an imported with texture.
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Upload your model to sketchfab, and then download it and then put it into Adobe Aero and that will make the texture work. I had the same issue and this is how I fixed it.