Trying to get an update on this? We are going for premium and would like to have our customers manage their assets within our platform without any external login, they can rely on our account since every saved item can be fetch via projectID Is this possible or any solution around this?
Also, see attached image... can we disable or remove the account and chat icon in the toolbar? We just want our users to save and download.
Here's our current stance: we do not plan to support no-login with the Embed SDK. We will support, however, delayed login in the near future. This will allow your users to finish completing their editing tasks before being prompted to sign-in. Login can be simplified by relying on Google YOLO to streamline your users' experience with the integration. After sigining in once, their info is remembered for the remainder of that browser session.
You cannot disable or remove elements of the full editor UI (like removing the account info and chat bar). You are able to modify those export options (Download, Save, etc.)