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Firefly portrayal of cybercriminals

New Here ,
Mar 26, 2024 Mar 26, 2024

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When I asked Firefly to create "a cybercriminal impersonates a ceo" image for an article on cybersecurity, for some reason, it showed a Ukrainian flag on 3 out of 4 images in the background. As a Ukrainian, I felt offended.

No sign of cybercriminals though, only 3 men and one female wearing business clothes and smiling. 

Web-based Adobe Firefly

Design , Desktop






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Community Expert ,
Mar 26, 2024 Mar 26, 2024

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You will need to be more specific in your prompt. The model will have trouble merging the concept of a cybercriminal and ceo, so you need to be more descriptive like this:


sneaky bad frowning serious angry nasty criminal male cyber hacker in hoodie over head wearing tie w... 


On the appearance of Ukranian flags, this issue has been discussed in these threads:


Union Jack appearing in images 

Images including people are severely culturally out of touch 


Adobe basically had three choices:

  • Make everyone look the same (so unlike a large percentage of the user base)
  • Have every image have a diversity of people who appear to be from many locations
  • Create people who appear to be closest to the region/location where the user is


The decision Adobe made is to try to make results appear more culturally relevant based on where the user is located. There are advantages and disadvantages of doing that, and in some cases, the results can be far from what you are looking for. You can change your prompts to be more descriptive of the people and objects to override that region/culture behaviour. It would be nice for Adobe to allow this to be disabled or overridden with another location/region or completely diverse subjects.


This can be overridden by specifying regions/cultures/races in the prompt.





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