Use Adobe Firefly to Generate Your Images
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Welcome to the community support forum!
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If you want to create an image go to and enter your prompt there to generate.
Do not prompt here in the Adobe Community forum.
If you are new to Firefly, here are two videos to get you started:
For a demonstration of using Firefly Video, see:
Here are some tips for using prompts with Adobe Firefly: Writing effective prompts.
If you have a question or issue regarding Firefly feel free to post a new thread for assistance!
[Posts containing prompts posted in the Adobe Community are moved to this posting.]
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creale una gemela
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Hello @jose_7890,
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Please see the message at the top of this thread for instructions on how to use Firefly. You cannot prompt here in the forum.
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Vamos criar um video promocional para MW Limpeza Especializada, mostrando etapas de limpeza de estofafos começando com a pulverizaçao de produtos no tecido, em seguida passando uma politriz com escova macia e finalmente usando um bico de lavação de uma extratora para finalizar o serviço
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Hi @limpeza de estofado
You have posted to a discussion forum rather than the place to generate content with Firefly. Therefore your message was moved here. See the top of the page for information on using Firefly.
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A beautiful blue Jay bird with beautiful human blue eyes from a woman.
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Hi @Lcw
See the top of his page for information on how to create images with Firefly.
This space is a forum for discussing Firefly, not where you insert prompts for images/videos.
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Several workers are doing interior decoration work on a house.
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Several workers are doing interior decoration work on a house.
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Faça o Cristiano Ronaldo jogando dinheiro pro alto
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क्रिकेट मैच की छोटी वीडियो क्लिप के लिए एक दिलचस्प और आकर्षक स्क्रिप्ट तैयार करनी होगी। क्लिप का उद्देश्य क्या है—हाइलाइट्स, मज़ेदार मोमेंट्स, या कोई मोटिवेशनल वीडियो?
अगर आप हाइलाइट्स वीडियो बना रहे हैं, तो स्क्रिप्ट इस तरह हो सकती है:
(बैग्राउंड में स्टेडियम का शोर)
नरेशन: "क्रिकेट के मैदान पर फिर से छा गया एक रोमांचक मुकाबला! जहाँ हर गेंद पर सांसें थम रही थीं। चलिए देखते हैं इस मुकाबले के कुछ बेहतरीन लम्हे!"
[सीन 1: शुरुआती ओवर]
(तेज़ गेंदबाज की शानदार इनस्विंग डिलीवरी, बल्लेबाज चौंक जाता है)
नरेशन: "पहली ही गेंद... और ये जबरदस्त स्विंग! बल्लेबाज हैरान!"
[सीन 2: छक्का या चौका]
(बल्लेबाज दमदार शॉट खेलता है, गेंद सीधे बाउंड्री पार)
नरेशन: "और ये गया... सीधा दर्शकों के बीच! क्या शॉट खेला है!"
[सीन 3: कैच या विकेट]
(फील्डर हवा में छलांग लगाकर शानदार कैच पकड़ता है)
नरेशन: "अरे वाह! इसे कहते हैं सुपरमैन कैच! टीम के लिए बड़ा विकेट!"
[सीन 4: क्लाइमेक्स मोमेंट]
(आखिरी ओवर, 1 गेंद पर 2 रन चाहिए, गेंदबाज रन-अप लेता है)
नरेशन: "अब बस एक गेंद बची है... और 2 रन चाहिए! क्या होगा इस मुकाबले का अंजाम?"
[सीन 5: रिजल्ट और आउट्रो]
(टीम जीतती है, खिलाड़ी जश्न मनाते हैं)
नरेशन: "ये जीत याद रखी जाएगी! शानदार खेल, शानदार मुकाबला!"
अगर आप इसे मोटिवेशनल स्टाइल में बनाना चाहते हैं, तो इसमें इंस्पिरेशनल बैकग्राउंड म्यूजिक डाल सकते हैं और स्क्रिप्ट इस तरह होगी:
"क्रिकेट सिर्फ एक खेल नहीं, जुनून है! जब मैदान पर उतरते हैं, तो सिर्फ जीत नहीं, इतिहास रचने का सपना होता है!"
आप कौन-सी स्टाइल चाहते हैं? HIGHLIGHTS, FUNNY MOMENTS या MOTIVATIONAL?
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Hello @vinícius_6390 and @rahul_5816,
Your message was merged into this thread.
Please see the message at the top of this thread for instructions on how to use Firefly. You cannot prompt here in the forum.
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Create a hyper-realistic scene of tiny cooking nuts and nuts, no larger than a bottle cap, interacting with a massive pistachio ,almond,cashews,saffron,salt. The scene has a strong contrast in scale, making the image visually striking and immersive.
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Hello @miti_8386,
Your message was merged into this thread.
Please see the message at the top of this thread for instructions on how to use Firefly. You cannot prompt here in the forum.
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Here’s a funny and relatable YouTube Shorts script about a student making excuses for not doing homework:
Title: "The Best Homework Excuse Ever!"
[Scene: A classroom. The teacher stands at the front, and students are sitting at their desks.]
Teacher: (serious tone) Alright, class. Time to submit your homework.
(Camera zooms in on one student, Alex, who looks nervous.)
Teacher: Alex, where’s your homework?
Alex: (fake confidence) Uh… Well, you won’t believe what happened!
Teacher: Try me.
Alex: (dramatic) Last night, I was doing my homework… then BOOM! The lights went out! Total blackout!
Teacher: (skeptical) And?
Alex: So I used a candle! But… a gust of wind blew it out.
Teacher: (raising an eyebrow) Inside your room?
Alex: (nervous laugh) Yeah, um… I opened the window for fresh air. Anyway, I grabbed my phone for light, but guess what?
Teacher: (crosses arms) What?
Alex: My dog thought it was a bone and ran off with it!
Teacher: (unimpressed) You don’t even have a dog.
Alex: (panics) Uh… I meant my neighbor’s dog! It jumped through the window, stole my phone, and ran away!
Teacher: (shaking head) Alex, just say you didn’t do your homework
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Here’s a funny and relatable YouTube Shorts script about a student making excuses for not doing homework:
Title: "The Best Homework Excuse Ever!"
[Scene: A classroom. The teacher stands at the front, and students are sitting at their desks.]
Teacher: (serious tone) Alright, class. Time to submit your homework.
(Camera zooms in on one student, Alex, who looks nervous.)
Teacher: Alex, where’s your homework?
Alex: (fake confidence) Uh… Well, you won’t believe what happened!
Teacher: Try me.
Alex: (dramatic) Last night, I was doing my homework… then BOOM! The lights went out! Total blackout!
Teacher: (skeptical) And?
Alex: So I used a candle! But… a gust of wind blew it out.
Teacher: (raising an eyebrow) Inside your room?
Alex: (nervous laugh) Yeah, um… I opened the window for fresh air. Anyway, I grabbed my phone for light, but guess what?
Teacher: (crosses arms) What?
Alex: My dog thought it was a bone and ran off with it!
Teacher: (unimpressed) You don’t even have a dog.
Alex: (panics) Uh… I meant my neighbor’s dog! It jumped through the window, stole my phone, and ran away!
Teacher: (shaking head) Alex, just say you didn’t do your homework
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Here's a fun and engaging cartoon story idea for a YouTube video:
Title: Max and the Magical Paintbrush
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Kids
Story Outline:
Max, a curious 10-year-old boy, stumbles upon an old paintbrush in his attic. Little does he know, this paintbrush has magical powers—it brings anything he draws to life!
Excited, Max starts drawing fun things like ice cream mountains and roller coasters, but things take a turn when his mischievous cat, Whiskers, steals the brush and starts drawing chaos all over town. Giant bouncing balls, talking cupcakes, and dancing dinosaurs flood the streets!
With the help of his best friend, Lily, Max must find a way to fix everything before their town becomes a cartoon disaster. They race against time, dodging Whiskers' wild creations, and finally trick him into drawing an "Undo Button." With one click, everything goes back to normal—except for one tiny surprise… Whiskers still has cartoon wings!
The video ends with Max laughing, wondering what new adventure his magical paintbrush will bring next.
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竹喧 2 歸浣女 3,蓮動下漁舟。
隨意春芳歇,王孫自可留 4。
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انشئ لوجو عبارة عن نص باسم الرواق الأزهرى مزهر بزهور جميلة وبخطوط جريئة
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العنوان: "تعلم أول 5 كلمات ألمانية بسهولة
👋 المقدمة (5 ثوانٍ):
"هل تريد تعلم الألمانية بسهولة؟ 🤔:fire: تابع معي أول 5 كلمات أساسية!"
:books: الكلمات مع النطق (15 ثانية):
:keycap_1: Hallo – (هالو) – مرحبًا 👋
:keycap_2: Tschüss – (تشوس) – وداعًا 👋
:keycap_3: Danke – (دانكه) – شكرًا 🙏
:keycap_4: Bitte – (بِتّه) – من فضلك / عفوًا 🙌
:keycap_5: Ja / Nein – (يا / نَين) – نعم / لا :white_heavy_check_mark::cross_mark:
:direct_hit: الخاتمة (5 ثوانٍ):
"حفظتها؟ 😏 اكتب في التعليقات أي كلمة عجبتك أكثر! ولا تنسَ المتابعة لمزيد من دروس الألمانية! :rocket:
:hammer_and_wrench: نصائح للإنتاج:
:white_heavy_check_mark: استخدم مؤثرات صوتية لجعل الفيديو ممتعًا
:white_heavy_check_mark: أضف نصوصًا متحركة للكلمات مع نطقها
:white_heavy_check_mark: ضع هاشتاجات مثل: #تعلم_الألمانية #لغة_جديدة #DeutschLernen
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Hello @mm0439, @Eager_gift5CF7, @Majestic_power4048, @clip_4530, @edward_7426,
Your messages were merged into this thread.
Please see the message at the top of this thread for instructions on how to use Firefly. You cannot prompt here in the forum.
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the president of a nation enter an agreement to work together which make the people angry cause the president is a corrupt person and a pathorogical lier making the Gen Z of the country to rise and demmonstrate to the street as they enter the parliament causing the members of parliament to run to a safe house as police chase the demonstrators throwing elligal tiergas making it go public to the world
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Crie uma imagem esportiva com bola e atletas ao redor ds logomarca para foto do perfil no instagram
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Hello @fragosofilipe and @moses 254,
Your messages were merged into this thread.
Please see the message at the top of this thread for instructions on how to use Firefly. You cannot prompt here in the forum.
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EIn kleiner polnisch aussehender junge mit dunklen haaren fällt hin
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Hello @lasse_1738,
Your message was merged into this thread.
Please see the message at the top of this thread for instructions on how to use Firefly. You cannot prompt here in the forum.