Use Adobe Firefly to Generate Your Images
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Welcome to the community support forum!
Your post has been merged into this main thread.
If you want to create an image go to and enter your prompt there to generate.
Do not prompt here in the Adobe Community forum.
If you are new to Firefly, here are two videos to get you started:
For a demonstration of using Firefly Video, see:
Here are some tips for using prompts with Adobe Firefly: Writing effective prompts.
If you have a question or issue regarding Firefly feel free to post a new thread for assistance!
[Posts containing prompts posted in the Adobe Community are moved to this posting.]
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Hello @Timir37922206j2po,
You have posted in a community forum on using Adobe Firefly. Actual image generation happens on the Firefly website:
If you have a question about using Firefly, feel free to post here! If you are new to Firefly, here are two videos to get you started Adobe Firefly (Shawn Kosel) and Adobe Firefly Basics | Office Hours . Also, here are some tips for using Firefly: Writing effective prompts.
Good luck!
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Bangla song will be transformed into a beautiful song
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Make it beautiful by coloring
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Hello @Mdrasel379202827bo7,
You have posted in a community forum on using Adobe Firefly. Actual image generation happens on the Firefly website:
If you have a question about using Firefly, feel free to post here! If you are new to Firefly, here are two videos to get you started Adobe Firefly (Shawn Kosel) and Adobe Firefly Basics | Office Hours . Also, here are some tips for using Firefly: Writing effective prompts.
Good luck!
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Open your mouth
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Hello @Mdrasel379202827bo7,
You have posted in a community forum on using Adobe Firefly. Actual image generation happens on the Firefly website:
If you have a question about using Firefly, feel free to post here! If you are new to Firefly, here are two videos to get you started Adobe Firefly (Shawn Kosel) and Adobe Firefly Basics | Office Hours . Also, here are some tips for using Firefly: Writing effective prompts.
Good luck!
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Kids who are cooking
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Hello @Hiba37919313ducz,
You have posted in a community forum on using Adobe Firefly. Actual image generation happens on the Firefly website:
If you have a question about using Firefly, feel free to post here! If you are new to Firefly, here are two videos to get you started Adobe Firefly (Shawn Kosel) and Adobe Firefly Basics | Office Hours . Also, here are some tips for using Firefly: Writing effective prompts.
Good luck!
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Cow truck with some cow
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Hello @Annisa37890344oxkd,
You have posted in a community forum on using Adobe Firefly. Actual image generation happens on the Firefly website:
If you have a question about using Firefly, feel free to post here! If you are new to Firefly, here are two videos to get you started Adobe Firefly (Shawn Kosel) and Adobe Firefly Basics | Office Hours . Also, here are some tips for using Firefly: Writing effective prompts.
Good luck!
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Hello @Sohbat3788018870bw,
You have posted in a community forum on using Adobe Firefly. Actual image generation happens on the Firefly website:
If you have a question about using Firefly, feel free to post here! If you are new to Firefly, here are two videos to get you started Adobe Firefly (Shawn Kosel) and Adobe Firefly Basics | Office Hours . Also, here are some tips for using Firefly: Writing effective prompts.
Good luck!
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middle east old Persian architecture
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Hello @Persian architecture,
You have posted in a community forum on using Adobe Firefly. Actual image generation happens on the Firefly website:
If you have a question about using Firefly, feel free to post here! If you are new to Firefly, here are two videos to get you started Adobe Firefly (Shawn Kosel) and Adobe Firefly Basics | Office Hours . Also, here are some tips for using Firefly: Writing effective prompts.
Good luck!
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Manali background
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Hello @Game Target37879775hsc4,
You have posted in a community forum on using Adobe Firefly. Actual image generation happens on the Firefly website:
If you have a question about using Firefly, feel free to post here! If you are new to Firefly, here are two videos to get you started Adobe Firefly (Shawn Kosel) and Adobe Firefly Basics | Office Hours . Also, here are some tips for using Firefly: Writing effective prompts.
Good luck!
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चुनाव/Election के महत्व को बढ़ावा देने वाला एक विज्ञापन/advertisement बनाएं। मतदाताओं/voters को जागरूक रखने के लिए आकर्षक नारे, प्रेरक भाषा और रचनात्मक दृश्यों का उपयोग करें। मतदान की शक्ति और नागरिक जिम्मेदारी पर प्रकाश डालें
I want a4 size sheet only one , write all why we have to vote
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Hello @Dev37869576u7vu,
You have posted in a community forum on using Adobe Firefly. Actual image generation happens on the Firefly website:
If you have a question about using Firefly, feel free to post here! If you are new to Firefly, here are two videos to get you started Adobe Firefly (Shawn Kosel) and Adobe Firefly Basics | Office Hours . Also, here are some tips for using Firefly: Writing effective prompts.
Based on what you posted, you might also consider using Adobe Express. Its Text to Template feature can help you create an illustrative social media post, poster or other type of document. Please see: Generate editable templates using Text to Template
Good luck!
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יש לנו פרוייקט לעשות תמונה לעריכה של ספר ילדים. זה צריך לעניין ילדים הכריכה.
והתוכן שבתוך התמונה צריך לכלול לסיפור שאני עכשיו יכתוב.
יש ילד שיש לו בר מצווה ואמא שלו ניצולת שואה שנאבד להמכל המשפחה. הם מתכוננים לבר מצווה באו אורחים הודלקו אורות יושבים לאכול.
והאמא של הילד שהיא ניצולת שואה כל הזמן חושבת על המשפחה שלה והיא רוצה שהם יגיעו והיא מחכה להם למרות שהם מתו בשואה..אותה אמא אמרה שהיא זוכרת את אמא שלה שאמרה לה בקרון של הרכבת שתשמור מצוות ושתעשאר בחיים. והיא אמרה על אבא שלה שהיא זוכרת שהוא הניח תפילין וקידש שם שמיים ברבים במחנות של השואה
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@אבישג37853338mblc welcome to the community support forum. If you want to create an image go to and enter your prompt there to generate. If you want to share your creation be sure to use the Share button in Firefly to "Submit to Gallery".
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I need a girl dancing above the water
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Theyyam with fire stick running on rice fields
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@Jishnu Unnikrishnan welcome to the community support forum. If you want to create an image go to and enter your prompt there to generate. If you want to share your creation be sure to use the Share button in Firefly to "Submit to Gallery".