Why does Firefly put makeup on any female face I create?
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Hi, I'm currently working on a history assignment which involves using text to image to come up with female faces from roman times.
The problem I'm finding is that the AI basically always gives me very good faces but with modern makeup on them!
I tried everything I could think of in terms of prompts in order to tell Firefly to give me faces without makeup but so far I've been unsuccesful to obtain the results I need so I have to settle for having to retouch the faces later in Photoshop which is a big waste of time.
So my question here I guess is whether there's a way to prompt makeup out of the equation or train Firefly not to do this anymore.
Thanks so much!
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Can you post some examples and what did you try?
You have to consider the material that has been used for training though. There probably aren't a lot of photos with natural female faces around.
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Hey Monika, thanks a lot for your reply.
Here´s my most succesful prompt:
34-year-old Italian peasant woman, brunette, natural skin without makeup, very pale and sick complexion, very thin, with little muscle tone, she is sick, hair in a bun, very marked and puffy circles under her eyes, she looks at the camera with a serious and angry expression, she is wrapped in a sheet that covers her shoulders, light background, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, documentary photography
I´m attaching also the result after some heavy editting in Photoshop.
Notice that I use ancient paintings as structure guides as well (I´m sharing the example here as well).
I got some pretty good results although the makeup is still there and somehow biased the final look as convincing makeup removal in Photoshop takes quite a lot of work.
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I do not get heavily made up women with that prompt. But still they are smiling. Did you use Photoshop's neural filters? https://www.theverge.com/2020/10/20/21517616/adobe-photoshop-ai-neural-filters-beta-launch-machine-l...
That's what happens when everyone thinks they deserve a smile from women any time. There simply aren't any photos in which women do not smile.
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No I did not use neural filters. I went on spending tickets until I found a couple of usable faces then I proceded on to working with composites and liquify
This is the original I got from Firefly.
It´s true this thing about the smiling faces... unbelievable
The neural filters didn´t do it for me.
As for the original prompt I went on refining it until I got more stable, usable results. I also took one passable result and used it as a Style guideline in order not to lose whatever good came from the previous generations and that´s how I got closer and closer.
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I have the same problem. Brow makeup and lipstick stays even when I base the whole prompt on describing the face without makeup.
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Please post your prompt.
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At the moment the app can not generate women without makeup. The all have brow makeup and lipstick. I would suggest changing that for obvious reasons.
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Hey @Amanda_G8830
Most of the images in Adobe Stock tend to have women with some sort of make-up. Since Firefly is trained on a lot of Adobe Stock images, the output is going to be similar to those from Adobe Stock.
O. Nate