Use Adobe Firefly to Generate Your Images
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Welcome to the community support forum!
Your post has been merged into this main thread.
If you want to create an image go to and enter your prompt there to generate.
Do not prompt here in the Adobe Community forum.
If you are new to Firefly, here are two videos to get you started:
Here are some tips for using prompts with Adobe Firefly: Writing effective prompts.
If you have a question or issue regarding Firefly feel free to post a new thread for assistance!
[Posts containing prompts posted in the Adobe Community are moved to this posting.]
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Refaire moi cette image avec un bon arrière plan
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Hello @Faye37991641c6ey,
You have posted in a community forum on using Adobe Firefly. Actual image generation happens on the Firefly website:
If you have a question about using Firefly, feel free to post here! If you are new to Firefly, here are two videos to get you started Adobe Firefly (Shawn Kosel) and Adobe Firefly Basics | Office Hours . Also, here are some tips for using Firefly: Writing effective prompts.
Good luck!
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- Mia, uma garotinha curiosa de 10 anos, está entediada em casa. Ela deseja ter um companheiro para suas aventuras.
- Conhece-se Rex, um adorável filhote abandonado na rua, que se torna o melhor amigo de Mia.
Cena 2: Laços de Amizade
- Mia e Rex logo criam um forte vínculo, compartilhando momentos de alegria e diversão juntos.
- Eles exploram a floresta próxima, brincam no parque e se divertem em casa.
Cena 3: Desafios
- Um dia, Rex desaparece misteriosamente, deixando Mia desolada. Ela parte em uma jornada para encontrá-lo, enfrentando obstáculos pelo caminho.
- Com a ajuda de novos amigos e sua determinação, Mia segue as pistas até chegar perto de encontrar Rex.
Cena 4: Reencontro Emocionante
- Finalmente, Mia reencontra Rex, que havia sido resgatado por uma família carinhosa. A emoção toma conta deles ao se abraçarem.
- A história termina com Mia e Rex juntos novamente, prontos para enfrentar novas aventuras e desafios juntos.
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Hello @Wagner37986743g1t4,
You have posted in a community forum on using Adobe Firefly. Actual image generation happens on the Firefly website:
If you have a question about using Firefly, feel free to post here! If you are new to Firefly, here are two videos to get you started Adobe Firefly (Shawn Kosel) and Adobe Firefly Basics | Office Hours . Also, here are some tips for using Firefly: Writing effective prompts.
Good luck!
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Hello @marciel jose 343050366w47,
You have posted in a community forum on using Adobe Firefly. Actual image generation happens on the Firefly website:
If you have a question about using Firefly, feel free to post here! If you are new to Firefly, here are two videos to get you started Adobe Firefly (Shawn Kosel) and Adobe Firefly Basics | Office Hours . Also, here are some tips for using Firefly: Writing effective prompts.
Good luck!
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J'aimerais que tu crée deux personnes devant un stade pendant l'euro 2024 avec des maillots de pays différents prêt à célébrer un match de foot, ces deux personnages, je veux qu'il soit D'origine différent J'aimerais qu'on les voit de dos avec un casque dans une main et un drapeau dans l'autre prêt à rentrer dans un stade de football
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Bonjour @TERA379816740bbz,
You have posted in a community forum on using Adobe Firefly. Actual image generation happens on the Firefly website:
If you have a question about using Firefly, feel free to post here! If you are new to Firefly, here are two videos to get you started Adobe Firefly (Shawn Kosel) and Adobe Firefly Basics | Office Hours . Also, here are some tips for using Firefly: Writing effective prompts.
Bien à vous,
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grafitti font type باب النجار مخلع
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Hello @Mariam37969852398q,
You have posted in a community forum on using Adobe Firefly. Actual image generation happens on the Firefly website:
If you have a question about using Firefly, feel free to post here! If you are new to Firefly, here are two videos to get you started Adobe Firefly (Shawn Kosel) and Adobe Firefly Basics | Office Hours . Also, here are some tips for using Firefly: Writing effective prompts.
Good luck!
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Buatkan modifikasi motor vixion seperti cfmoto 450 clc
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Badak lucu
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Hello @Sanusi379402005acb,
You have posted in a community forum on using Adobe Firefly. Actual image generation happens on the Firefly website:
If you have a question about using Firefly, feel free to post here! If you are new to Firefly, here are two videos to get you started Adobe Firefly (Shawn Kosel) and Adobe Firefly Basics | Office Hours . Also, here are some tips for using Firefly: Writing effective prompts.
Good luck!
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Hello @Abijith379427594lqr,
You have posted in a community forum on using Adobe Firefly. Actual image generation happens on the Firefly website:
If you have a question about using Firefly, feel free to post here! If you are new to Firefly, here are two videos to get you started Adobe Firefly (Shawn Kosel) and Adobe Firefly Basics | Office Hours . Also, here are some tips for using Firefly: Writing effective prompts.
Good luck!
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a large boat floating on top of a body of water,steampunk imagery themed, big moon, set sail, at twilight
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a large boat floating on top of a body of water,steampunk imagery themed, big moon, set sail, at twilight
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Hello @S N37943055kmzy,
You have posted in a community forum on using Adobe Firefly. Actual image generation happens on the Firefly website:
If you have a question about using Firefly, feel free to post here! If you are new to Firefly, here are two videos to get you started Adobe Firefly (Shawn Kosel) and Adobe Firefly Basics | Office Hours . Also, here are some tips for using Firefly: Writing effective prompts.
Good luck!
حفله تخرج في المدرسه بصورتي انا
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Hello @ ,
You have posted in a community forum on using Adobe Firefly. Actual image generation happens on the Firefly website:
If you have a question about using Firefly, feel free to post here! If you are new to Firefly, here are two videos to get you started Adobe Firefly (Shawn Kosel) and Adobe Firefly Basics | Office Hours . Also, here are some tips for using Firefly: Writing effective prompts.
Based on what you posted, you might also consider using Adobe Express. Its Text to Template feature can help you create an illustrative social media post, poster or other type of document. Please see: Generate editable templates using Text to Template
Good luck!
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Make two legs
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Hello @md37936198a81r,
You have posted in a community forum on using Adobe Firefly. Actual image generation happens on the Firefly website:
If you have a question about using Firefly, feel free to post here! If you are new to Firefly, here are two videos to get you started Adobe Firefly (Shawn Kosel) and Adobe Firefly Basics | Office Hours . Also, here are some tips for using Firefly: Writing effective prompts.
Good luck!
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A look of forest with a lion