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I am assuming you tried the CC app reset?
In case not, check that one out:
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Hi @ANNA.P.,
Welcome to the community! We're sorry to hear about your difficulties. At this time, the best way to help the Adobe Fonts team fix activation issues is by posting your recent CoreSync logs from around the time you experience the delay and letting us know whether you are activating fonts in Creative Cloud Desktop or directly from the Adobe Fonts website. Here are instructions for collecting your computer's CoreSync logs:
> Tell us whether you are attempting to activate fonts within Creative Cloud Desktop when the issue occurs or if you are activating from the Adobe Fonts website.
> Attach the recent CoreSync logs from your computer so we can take a closer look–
On OS X:
1. Open the Finder
2. under the Go menu, select "Go To Folder"
3. in the window that opens, type: ~/Library/Logs/CreativeCloud/CoreSync/
On Windows:
1. Open Windows Explorer
2. The log folder is hidden by default, so make sure that hidden folders and files are visible. Under the Organize menu, select Preferences and then the View tab. Choose the "Show hidden files, folders, & drives." option, then click Apply to confirm the changes.
3. Go to C:\Users\(username)\AppData\Local\Temp\CreativeCloud\CoreSync\
where "(username)" is the name of your user folder on your computer.
Attach the 3 or 4 most recent CoreSync-yyyy-MM-dd.log files, and please specify whether you are activating fonts in Creative Cloud Desktop or on the Adobe Fonts site.
You may also check this article and let us know if that helps:
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I am experiencing this problem also. I spent the better part of a day on the phone with Adobe support yesterday who *sort of* solved the problem. Before you ask - we went nuclear on it, and used the Adobe Cleaner Tool to COMPLETELY wipe all evidence of Adobe software off my machine (Windows 10) which is not great because I use a lot of custom plugins and preferences that I needed to re-install which is not an insignificant process.
The font service from Adobe has always been a little slow, and iffy at best, but recently it has had a noticeable and significant slowdown: After a computer re-boot I need to wait the better part of an hour for my font library to even populate on the CC app. This situation doesn't appear to happen on my Macbook (Ventura), so it seems to be a specifically Windows issue. I also have fiber optic internet (very fast) so it's not my internet connection. Adobe Fonts team, PLEASE look into this. Thank you.
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Are you still experiencing the issue? Please make sure that the Creative Cloud Desktop application is up to date. Also, did you check my response above?
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Hi @Tarun Saini,
Unfortunately yes I am still experiencing a slow startup on Adobe fonts and yes Creative Cloud Desktop is up to date. It's worse on some days than others. I also went through my font list and removed about 2000 fonts that I haven't used recently to see if the amount of fonts I had activated was part of the problem but it hasn't seemed to have improved much. Today took a little while, but the fonts just loaded up. I've attached the most recent Core Sync file. I usually activate fonts from the website.
Thank you.
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Hi @AngeliqueGeorges – would you please send a couple more of the CoreSync logs if you have them? I'd like to compare.
Thanks! –Molly