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Adobe Font Aktiv Grotesk -- wrong line spacing in Excel

Community Beginner ,
Jun 21, 2021 Jun 21, 2021

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I need a typeface with both condensed and regular widths and was looking at Aktiv Grotesk.  However, it looks to have a bug:


In Microsoft Excel, the row height is too high when using Aktiv Grotesk regular ---- but not Aktiv Grotesk Black.   See this comparison with another Adobe font, Acumin Pro, plus basic Arial and Arial Nova:


Screenshot 2021-06-21 111345.jpg


Regular and Black lines of the same typeface shouldn't have different heights.

Another user reported what might be a similar issue on a Webfont project   


Is there a known issue with Aktiv Grotesk regular or is there something I did wrong?






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