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Adobe Fonts licensing when an Agency hosts a Client site

New Here ,
Apr 15, 2020 Apr 15, 2020

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I understand web font licensing to generally be the rightsholder granting permission to distribute a font file, for limited rendering uses.


The Adobe Fonts licensing terms for web sites clearly states that a client needs to have an Adobe CC Fonts license to use Adobe Fonts for their sites.


The implication is that the client is hosting their site themselves; they are the ones making the font file available so they need the license.


We are an agency who hosts the sites that we create for our clients.


In this scenario, where the client is not hosting their site, is it still required for the client to have an Adobe CC Fonts license?

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New Here ,
Apr 16, 2020 Apr 16, 2020

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I have come to ask the same question, of sorts. I am a designer working for our hotel company internally, we have a web design agency building our website front end for us, so I have zero issue hosting fonts on our site. However, we also use a couple of 3rd parties for our booking engine and gift sales, and even though the customer should see no difference from using our website and clicking through to the booking section or gifts section, do we still need another licence for the 3rd parties, or as it is our product, does it all come under our licence through creative cloud? I need to use 2 font families.

All linked to daniell8583311's question and would be good to have clarity of both, linked, issues.





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