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Baseline issue using 'New Hero' font in web app

New Here ,
Oct 25, 2024 Oct 25, 2024

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Can you please help me further with the following problem:


I have developed a new corporate identity for a client. The main font used in it is New Hero (https://fonts.adobe.com/fonts/new-hero#fonts-section).


There are no problems with the font when I use it creating brand assets with the Adobe Cloud Software nor when designing the website in Figma.


A problem does arise when developing the site and their product platform. The client uses the font via their Creative Cloud licence and when implementing, they notice a problem with the baseline. This is because it sets itself several pixels higher by default which is undesirable.


Changing font is no longer an option because we are too far into the project.


Can you help me to solve this problem?






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