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Download Adobe fonts - need a license or just Creative Cloud?

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Jul 13, 2020 Jul 13, 2020

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Hi everyone,

I am on my high school's newspaper staff, and we use InDesign to create each newspaper issue. However, the InDesign is embedded within the program Monarch by Jostens. I am hoping to find a way to get certain Adobe fonts on my computer so that I can move them into Monarch which can then be used in InDesign on that. I am pretty sure that Creative Cloud, which is what I have, doesn't allow you to get the fonts onto your computer as files because then they could be used in applications that aren't associated with Adobe. The reason I need to get the fonts as files is so I can put them into Monarch, then use them in InDesign on that. So I'm not trying to use Adobe fonts for my own use, I would still be using Adobe programs with those fonts, but I am hoping to learn if and/or how to get an Adobe font as a file. Thank you!






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Jul 13, 2020 Jul 13, 2020

Although the Adobe Fonts does not let you have access to the files associated with the fonts that you activate, those fonts are actually installed on your system, whether MacOS or Windows, in a manner that they may be used with any other application on your system. I'm not familiar withthe Jostens Monarch software, but it is web-based and is only accessing fonts uploaded to its server, yes, the fonts from Adobe Fonts won't be seen. If it is web-based but can access the fonts installed on your sy




Jul 13, 2020 Jul 13, 2020

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Although the Adobe Fonts does not let you have access to the files associated with the fonts that you activate, those fonts are actually installed on your system, whether MacOS or Windows, in a manner that they may be used with any other application on your system. I'm not familiar withthe Jostens Monarch software, but it is web-based and is only accessing fonts uploaded to its server, yes, the fonts from Adobe Fonts won't be seen. If it is web-based but can access the fonts installed on your system, you should be “good to go” so to speak.


- Dov Isaacs, former Adobe Principal Scientist (April 30, 1990 - May 30, 2021)





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