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Dynamic content licensing in generative art

Community Beginner ,
May 06, 2021 May 06, 2021

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I use the Adobe suite plus a few other applications to create generative art/design. Reading the FAQ I noticed that there might be an issue doing this with the Adobe Fonts licensing if I were to package my creations as a standalone application that runs unattended. As this is a relatively common approach for art installations and some instances of livestreaming, I would appreciate some clarification on what is regarded as dynamic content for this kind of use.


Listing some cases as examples with small differences that I'm not sure would trigger a breach of license:


Scenario one could be a projection mapping on some surface (building/mountain) that pulls images from a website and displays image credits from the metadata. The credits are not an integral part of the design/art. The end product is a payload application, customer can not change the text directly, how it's displayed, its size etc. However, if a new image is uploaded to the server a new caption is generated without any interaction on my part. Would this be considered "dynamic" enough to be a breach of license?


Scenario two would be dynamic captioning/super/lower thirds for an online (streamed) conference. The captions are part of the design, but is not the main focus. Creating these in PS beforehand should fall in under acceptable use (finished design etc.). A different approach is to have the delegates/speakers names and details in a .csv file. During the show/event any errors, typos or change in schedule can be dynamically changed by those with access to the .csv file either directly, or via a web interface. Would this be a breach of license, or is it the stream itself that is considered the end product in this case?


Scenario three could be an art piece projected onto a storefront window. A camera counts passerbys, and along with different sensors use this data to generate a sentence about the persons passing by ("Three persons just blew away" etc.). Text is the only design element (sole focus). I can't change the text outside of specifying the parameters of how it's generated. Customer can not change the text. While this is as dynamic as it gets, it does seem that it might not fall in under the intent of what is considered dynamic from Adobe's point of view in that it is not customizeable directly. 


While the content in all of these cases are dynamic, there is no way for the customer to change any of it post show/event. I have not, and am not currently using Adobe fonts for purposes like these. I would like to though, so am hoping for an official clarification on this.









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