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Font Synced with Typekit in 2018 Now Premium Adobe Font in 2019

Community Beginner ,
Jul 29, 2019 Jul 29, 2019

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Like many of you, I make my living as a graphic designer, creating products for clients with the Adobe Creative Cloud apps. In October of 2018, I spent a lot of time with a client choosing a font (Gasket) from the TypeKit library in order to design a document that would establish their graphic identity. They just now requested an edit to that document, and much to my surprise, that font would no longer sync. It turns out that in the transition from TypeKit to Adobe fonts, some unknown subset of the fonts became premium. There are 36 weights in the Gasket font, each selling for $60 apiece.

Now, I don't begrudge font designers their living, but my assumption is that by paying for the CC All Apps subscription, some of that money was going to font foundries when their fonts were synced by subscribers. After speaking to ten different people at Adobe, it was finally explained to me that the reason for this change on this particular font is that the foundry initially "gave the font away for free" and then they decided to start charging for it.

How many other fonts are out there that we synced with Typekit-- just sitting in documents on our hard drives-- that will require an outlay of hundreds of dollars when we want to change a few words? Adobe could not answer that question. I suggested that they should grandfather premium fonts to people who used them previously. Not happening.

I will leave you with a screen shot from the home page of fonts.adobe.com

"No extra charges. All fonts are included with your Creative Cloud subscription."

Has this happened to you? Why wasn't I told that I had [reviously synced a font that would now require hundreds of dollars to use?Am I the only one experiencing this frustration?

- Jesse

Screen Shot 2019-07-29 at 4.43.57 PM.png






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Aug 02, 2019 Aug 02, 2019

Hi Jesse,

We're so sorry for the frustration. We don't often make this kind of change as we want to avoid this issue. If you've activated the font, you should have received an email that it was being retired from the subscription library.

We're sorry for the inconvenience.





Adobe Employee ,
Aug 02, 2019 Aug 02, 2019

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Hi Jesse,

We're so sorry for the frustration. We don't often make this kind of change as we want to avoid this issue. If you've activated the font, you should have received an email that it was being retired from the subscription library.

We're sorry for the inconvenience.







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