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Adobe Media Encoder CC software error during batch render

New Here ,
Jul 23, 2018 Jul 23, 2018

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Does anyone share this problem?

I tried this several times and the same issue comes up every time in Media Encoder:

I have a set of 12 sequences that need exporting to H.264. Footage shot on FS7, slog 3 cine in CINE EI mode. Basis corrections done with Lumetri Color.

- Exporting just one of these sequences straight from Premiere results in a video with correct gamma levels. (levels match levels in edit)

- Exporting just one of these sequences through Adobe Media Encoder also results in a video with correct gamma levels.

Exporting more then one sequence: all video's show a gamma shift! What the hell? No settings were changed! This leads me to conclude Media encoder changes something when adding videos to the render queue. Software error?






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