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Adobe Media Encoder Execution Error It will end in about 1 to 10 seconds.

Explorer ,
Oct 19, 2024 Oct 19, 2024

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Logs at the time of termination



Log file created: 10/19/24 17:37:32
Ticks = 516 <61280> <DynamicLink> <5> Increase wait time to 2
Ticks = 3875 <19108> <IR.InitIpp> <5> ippInit warning: ippStsNonIntelCpu: The target CPU is not Genuine Intel
Ticks = 3875 <19108> <IR.InitIpp> <5> ippInit warning: ippStsNonIntelCpu: The target CPU is not Genuine Intel
Ticks = 3875 <19108> <IR.InitIpp> <5> ippInit warning: ippStsNonIntelCpu: The target CPU is not Genuine Intel
Ticks = 6110 <49052> <AnywhereLocalClient> <5> Local Hub HTTP port retrieved, port: 4373
Ticks = 8672 <60828> <GPUFoundation> <5> Done loading modules, sec: 0.395488, device: CUDA(0)
Ticks = 8766 <19108> <AMEApp> <0> Time taken to load MediaCore plugins: 310.164 milliseconds.
Ticks = 9797 <19108> <AMEApp> <1> Entering RunEventLoop
Ticks = 10641 <19108> <CCFilesEOL> <5> Setting feature enabled: false, in app messaging enabled: false
Ticks = 11000 <52544> <EACL> <5> Connecting local hub to remote hub, requestID: "b95176a2-f458-4ad7-8e5a-d084fb7413a8", server: "https://cc-api-teamprojects.adobe.io:443", serverType: 2, user: "sopyy486@gmail.com", machineID: "a0b42369-056f-40cf-8823-bad60ac05b01"
Ticks = 11938 <52544> <dvanet::HTTP> <4> Mismatched HTTP response, requestID: "fb73aeed-c087-4cae-bad5-d7b69c64362c", expected: "dvanet-fb73aeed-c087-4cae-bad5-d7b69c64362c-b0aea4c0-5e2c-4a89-b662-d4a4ef9b003e-12", received: "dsEuPveZJhpDymt1IduU2f7Yy8bgIkZU", corrected: "dsEuPveZJhpDymt1IduU2f7Yy8bgIkZU"
Ticks = 11938 <52544> <EACL.CloudProjectsLogin> <5> Finished sending new access token to LocalHub, result: 0, requestID: "dvanet-b95176a2-f458-4ad7-8e5a-d084fb7413a8-b0aea4c0-5e2c-4a89-b662-d4a4ef9b003e-6", duration: 0.287, httpStatusCode: 200, httpLibCode: 0, payload: "[{\"authorized\":true,\"connected\":true,\"forbidden\":{\"error_code\":\"\",\"message\":\"\"},\"lastAuthorizationStatusCode\":200,\"serverURL\":\"https://cc-api-teamprojects.adobe.io:443\",\"serverVersion\":\"2016.93.0.1283\"}]"
Ticks = 17688 <64728> <panic> <4> Machine Exception



Usage Environment

Windows 10 22h2(OS builde 19045.5011)


rtx4090 - 565.90 studio driver

ram 64gb



Media encoder v.25.0

Crash , Error or problem






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