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AME not finishing render from PP, but no error message...how to troubleshoot?

Participant ,
Jun 06, 2020 Jun 06, 2020

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Hi all,

I've never had any trouble with AME before, but suddenly my PP project won't render all the way through and I'm not sure what the problem would be. 

The weird thing is that I can "export media" from PP to AME just fine, choose "Match source - High Bit rate" and it starts rendering. But around 1/3 - 1/2 the way through, it just stops and the resulting file is unplayable. Weirdly, there is no error message or error log, and the usual blue link to the finished file is greyed out. 

The sequence has been rendering fine until today. I made quite a few changes since my last render, so I'm really not sure what the culprit would be...it's all "more of the same" that I've been doing, nothing really new or different.

Any ideas what I can do to troubleshoot?

System info

Windows 10 pro (latest update), 32 gb RAM, i7-3770 3.40GHz, cache on an ssd (separate from OS drive), NVIDIA GTX1060 with 6 gb ram, source files on a fast RAID,

Premiere Pro version 14.1.0 build 116



Dynamic link , Error or problem , Export or render






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