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Does AME prerender before encoding from dynamic linked comp in After Effects?

Community Beginner ,
Feb 28, 2022 Feb 28, 2022

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Hello, not able to find a conclusive answer to this online so I thought I'd ask here. I work with a team and our typical workflow is to render out comps as Apple ProRes 4444 QT files, then use AME to encode mp4s. The reason for this is the unreliable performance of the Dynamic Link function. It simply does not work correctly on a frequent enough basis compared to AE's render queue, even with our short, not-very-complex animations (typically less than 30 sec at HD resolution).


I'd like to know, when a comp is dynamically linked from AE to AME, then rendered, does AME first render the comp to a lossless format before encoding, or as it's encoding? I'd like our team to try and use Dynamic Linking more, but there are concerns about color fidelity and effects rendering. Can you shed some light on what exactly happens during the process?



Dynamic link , Export or render , Performance






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