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Hi there!
I am using Adobe Media Encoder 12.1.1 with the latest version of Premiere on Windows 10.
My PC is:
Intel i7-7820X 3.60 GHZ
For a while now, I am having serious problems rendering multiple files in Adobe Media Encoder. I am getting error messages like these:
Schreiben mit Exporter: H.264
Schreiben in Datei: \\?\F:\Projekte\0033_Public Eye_Bettel-Aktion\Renderings\Delivery\2018-06-07\Vaude-Technische-Videos-UV-Schutz-DT-DR-01.mp4
Dateityp wird geschrieben: H264
Um Timecode: 00:00:04:15 - 00:00:05:22
Rendering bei Offset: 4,600 Sekunden
Komponente: H.264 vom Typ Exporter
Selektor: 9
Fehlercode: -1609629695
Sorry for the German error message. This weird in itself, as all my other Adobe apps are installed in English...
Rendering directly from Premiere works better, but isn't 100% foolproof neither. The issue seems to occur more often, when I am using the computer for something else (browsing the web, writing emails) while rendering. Could this be RAM related? Any ideas what to do about it? It doesn't seem to be related to the codec I've got as a source, neither does it matter into which codec I am rendering.
Cheers for any help!
Best regards
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Hi Tom,
Sorry for this. You may be hitting a bug with your NVIDIA GPU and H.264. You can usually avoid it by choosing a different codec to export from or by using smart rendering. Try that out and report back.