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Hi, folks.
Is there any way to get Media Encoder to singal when it finishes the render queue? Needless to say, I don't mean signal to the human user by playing a chime sound 🙂 I mean notify the system by firing some kind of 'onComplete' event or something when the render is done.
I looked through the scripting guide and couldn't seem to find any mention of event listeners in the API. Are there any other ways? Can this be done on the OS level via CMD/Terminal? (e.g. watch the export folder for contents and see if all the expected video files are already there?)
Since my intents and purposes don't require the precise time of completion, can I set an interval to periodically check if the rendering is still in progress via the following method:
var previouslyElapsed = 0;
var checkIfStillCooking = setInterval(isStillCooking, 1000);
function isStillCooking()
if(app.getExporter().elapsedMilliseconds == previouslyElapsed)
//Queue has finished because no additional time has elapsed since previous check.
previouslyElapsed = app.getExporter().elapsedMilliseconds;
What would be the best way, if any?
Thanks for any help.
- Art.
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