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Media Encoder 14.0.1 hangs on one specific project

Explorer ,
Jan 20, 2020 Jan 20, 2020

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Since I updated to Media Encoder 14.0.1, I have one project that fails to render. It works fine when I revert to 14.0, and other projects seem to work fine in 14.0.1. This is /Documents/Adobe/Adobe Media Encoder/15.0/logs/Adobe Media Encoder.log (with my name & ID removed). If there's something else that would be useful to post, please let me know. Reverting to the old version is fine for now, but obviously this isn't a great long-term solution...

Log file created: 1/20/2020 2:19:37 PM
Ticks = 219      <18908> <DynamicLink> <5> Attempting to launch dynamiclinkmanager
Ticks = 219      <18908> <DynamicLink> <5> C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Media Encoder 2020\dynamiclinkmanager.exe
Ticks = 375      <18908> <DynamicLink> <5> Increase wait time to 2
Ticks = 2219      <18908> <DynamicLink> <5> Attempting to launch dynamiclinkmanager
Ticks = 2219      <18908> <DynamicLink> <5> C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Media Encoder 2020\dynamiclinkmanager.exe
Ticks = 2282      <18908> <DynamicLink> <5> Increase wait time to 4
Ticks = 3047      <18908> <IR.InitIpp> <5> ippInit warning: ippStsNonIntelCpu: The target CPU is not Genuine Intel
Ticks = 3047      <18908> <IR.InitIpp> <5> ippInit warning: ippStsNonIntelCpu: The target CPU is not Genuine Intel
Ticks = 3047      <18908> <IR.InitIpp> <5> ippInit warning: ippStsNonIntelCpu: The target CPU is not Genuine Intel
Ticks = 3110      <18908> <Wasapi initialization> <5> Time =  0.0448827second
Ticks = 4235      <18908> <DS> <5> GPUSniffer launching with test mask 254
Ticks = 5016      <9720> <AnywhereLocalClient> <5> Local Hub HTTP port retrieved, port: 55397
Ticks = 8719      <18908> <DS> <5> GPU Sniffer Output:
GPUSniffer testing 254
Initializing GPU Tech:
	Try CUDA: 1
	Try OpenCL: 1
	Try Metal: 1
	Try Vulkan: 1
	KernelLoadAction: 0
	UseOpenGLContext: 0000000000000000
	UseDeviceContext: 0000000000000000
	UseD3D11Context: 0000000000000000
CUDA system device count: 1
	Found CUDA device index: 0 Name: GeForce RTX 2070
	    No capability restrictions detected - adding device to list
OpenCL system device count: 1
	Found OpenCL device Name: GeForce RTX 2070 supportsSSG: 0
	Skipping nVidia OpenCL device
Finished gpu initialization in 0 ms

--- OpenGL Info ---
Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Renderer: GeForce RTX 2070/PCIe/SSE2
OpenGL Version: 2.1.2 NVIDIA 441.87
GLSL Version: 1.20 NVIDIA via Cg compiler
Monitors: 2
Monitor 0 properties -
   Size: (0, 0, 1920, 1080)
   Max texture size: 32768
   Supports non-power of two: 1
   Shaders 444: 1
   Shaders 422: 1
   Shaders 420: 1
Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Renderer: GeForce RTX 2070/PCIe/SSE2
OpenGL Version: 2.1.2 NVIDIA 441.87
GLSL Version: 1.20 NVIDIA via Cg compiler
Monitors: 2
Monitor 1 properties -
   Size: (1920, 0, 1280, 1024)
   Max texture size: 32768
   Supports non-power of two: 1
   Shaders 444: 1
   Shaders 422: 1
   Shaders 420: 1

--- GPU Computation Info ---
Found 1 devices supporting GPU computation.
CUDA Device 0 - 
   Name: GeForce RTX 2070
   Vendor: NVIDIA
   Capability: 7.5
   Driver: 10.2
   Total Video Memory: 8192MB
Ticks = 8719      <18908> <DS> <5> GPU Sniffer result: 30
Ticks = 16797      <18908> <IR.InitIpp> <5> ippInit warning: ippStsNonIntelCpu: The target CPU is not Genuine Intel
Ticks = 18110      <18908> <EACL.HostedLogin> <5> Entitlement record did not pass application entitlement policy, ccAdobeID: "x", ccPersonGUID: "x"
Ticks = 18110      <18908> <EACL.HostedLogin> <4> Non-entitled response received, ccAdobeID: "x", ccPersonGUID: "x", error_code: "403010"
Ticks = 18110      <19520> <EACL> <4> PollingResourceMonitorImpl::OnRefreshCompleted: Failed to complete polling request, requestID: "f81c2bf9-100b-4d32-b65d-16ba8249d7cb", dvacore::Result: -1606090751, resourceURL: "", expression: "(! result)"
Ticks = 18438      <18908> <AMEApp> <0> Time taken to load MediaCore plugins: 9271.75 milliseconds.
Ticks = 22219      <18908> <AMEApp> <1> Entering RunEventLoop
Ticks = 87391      <19448> <LoadProject> <0> 0.0544363s
Ticks = 87907      <19448> <MSDKDecoderWithMCDemux> <5> No Intel device D3D11 or DX9 context created, hardware decode not available.
Ticks = 88407      <19448> <MSDKDecoderWithMCDemux> <5> No Intel device D3D11 or DX9 context created, hardware decode not available.
Ticks = 88594      <19448> <MSDKDecoderWithMCDemux> <5> No Intel device D3D11 or DX9 context created, hardware decode not available.
Ticks = 91203      <18908> <Assert> <0> Debug Assert failed!
Expression: false
Unhandled exception: boost::bad_any_cast: failed conversion using boost::any_cast
Process: Adobe Media Encoder.exe
Process ID: 10372
Thread ID: 18908
File: ..\..\config\src\ErrorManager.cpp
Line: 365
Function: dvacore::config::ErrorManager::ExecuteFunctionWithTopLevelExceptionHandler
Assert Dialog Show:false
Freeze or hang






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Community Beginner ,
Jan 23, 2020 Jan 23, 2020

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Adobe Employee ,
Jan 24, 2020 Jan 24, 2020

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Hi there,


Thanks for reaching out. Did you check the link shared by @AustinC-FFC above? Did it help?

Looking forward to a reply.








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