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Media encoder won't encode an modified version of an after effects composition in dynamic link.

New Here ,
Mar 09, 2021 Mar 09, 2021

Copy link to clipboard


I created an After Effects composition in dynamic link in a Premiere project.

I exported the project and everything is OK.


Next, I changed a text in the Afetr Effects composition, saved both the AE and the Premiere projects.

The modified text appeared correctly in my Premeire timeline. 


But when I exported the Premiere project, the video file has been encoded with the old version of the AE composition and not the modified one. I tried several times with the same result.


I had to restart my computer to be able to encode the latest version of the timeline.


This problem happened several times in different projects.


Would anybody have an idea of the reason?


Thanks a lot

Dynamic link , Error or problem , Export or render






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