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Multiply render errors in MediaEncoder

New Here ,
Jul 11, 2022 Jul 11, 2022

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With the new PrPro & MediaEncoder (v22.5) I encounter numerous flaws. Firstly, I need to be lucky to transfer multiple selected sequences from PrPro to MediaEncoder anyway, because most of the time clicking on "Send to Media Encoder" results in ... nothing at all. And secondly I very often get errors in trying to render the sequences in MedieaEncoder whereas I can render them without problems directly out of PrPro. The only thing is, there are mostly 15-40 sequences and it'd cost so much time to render them individually. So this is why ME is there, isn't it!?


Most common errors I came across so far:

  • Error retrieving frame
  • A low-level exception occured in : Warp Stabilizier
  • Frame substitution recursion attempt aborting after multiple attempts on file


I'm working mostly with DNxHR SQ footage and rendering also into DNxHR SQ or h264/h265.


I'd appreciate any suggestion for solving this behavior.

Export or render






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Community Beginner ,
Jul 18, 2022 Jul 18, 2022

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Commenting to piggyback on this.
I'm also having issues exporting multiple sequences from PremierePro into MediaEncoder - while the selected sequence is exporting to ME I have to wait for it to physically show up in the queue, otherwise MediaEncoder will change the selected in and out points to whatever I'm currently doing in the timeline. It doesn't sound that bad but it can take a couple minutes for each render to appear in the queue, and since I also have *a lot* of sequences to render out it really messes with my workflow. 





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