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Rare rendering problem with Media Encoder - yellow error sign

New Here ,
Oct 21, 2020 Oct 21, 2020

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I need help

I've been rendering my Adobe After Effects projects with Adobe Media Encoder for a long time now and so far everything has been running smoothly. I have now finished a project and want to render it with Media Encoder but it just doesn't work.


When I add my project file to the Media Encoder queue and click on the green arrow to start rendering, the program starts reading the source and prepares for rendering.Still everything is okay but after a while the whole render process stops and next to the added project in the queue a yellow error/warning sign appears with the text "failed" (see photo//its german).

I've already tried a lot to solve this problem like reinstalling Media Encoder, rendering with different file types and changing the renderer to "Mercury Playback Engin - Software only" (in After Effects at "video rendering and effects" as well).
I tried to find a solution for this annoying problem on the internet but nobody had exactly the same problem as me. It's like I'm the only one who has this problem.


I would like to mention that this is all happening in this one project. For other videos Adobe Media Encoder renders everything without any problems.

I hope I find help and a solution here. Thank you for the answers 🙂




Crash , Error or problem , Export or render , Freeze or hang






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