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Renaming video files on ingest using AME

New Here ,
Aug 16, 2017 Aug 16, 2017

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I have a bunch of legacy XDCAM video files that I need to ingest for a client. It looks like with XDCAM, the camera records clip metadata to an XML file along with the original media. On ingest that metadata gets imbedded into the movie file. If the proprietary Sony software is used the metadata value from the field "Title" overwrites the original clip name preventing redundant names. (Apparently, the camera names clips in sequential order starting from 0001, but that sequence restarts every time the camera power is cycled.) AME is able to read those metadata values, so it stands to reason that I could have it use those values to overwrite the clip names, but I'm not sure how to do this. Does anyone have a thought on this?






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