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Render file sizes have blown out massively in latest April update

New Here ,
Apr 05, 2018 Apr 05, 2018

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In our company we use a number of encoding presets customised to our needs, settings we have been using for years.

Up until the latest April update of AME this typically resulted in files that were always between 400 - 600MB in size (same ballpark as the estimated file size in exporter), depending on clip duration, however since the April update, every single render, using the exact same presets now results in files between 1.2 - 2GB in size, despite the fact that the 'estimated file size' in the exporter still displays something between 400 - 600MB.

We have tried creating new presets from within the latest version of AME, but with the same results.

Now we are rapidly chewing through 10's of GB of wasted storage for files that are inordinately large, upload times for all of the files to our hosts have nearly tripled and the knock on effect for the end users, now receiving files triple the size in enormous.

We dare not lower the export settings any further. As it is, we are using H.264, 1280x720, VBR 1 Pass, with a bit-rate of 0.7 - 1.

Is anyone else experiencing this bug? Does anyone have any ideas for a solution? As it is we render about 10 of these videos per day, and we cannot afford to be wasting potentially 100's of accrued GB.






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New Here ,
Nov 19, 2018 Nov 19, 2018

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I have the same problem with a few files.
There the same in the export settings resolution and both only 10sec.
1080x1920px & 800x1280px

VBR 1 & 2 pass
BitRate 0,5 - 1. and one file is 1,5mb and the other is 16mb.
The 1,5mb has high quality and looks good, but the 16mb looks like a bunch of squares jumping around.
I'v been testing out a few things with it and the file size stays consistent.
And the estimated file size are way lower then it ends up to be.

So if anybody has a tip or idea on how to fix this i would love to hear it.





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