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We are encountering a glitch in our media output after our recent Premiere Pro CC 2015 Update (installed 12/16/15). The exported media will fill empty audio portions with a repetition of the last 1.5 seconds of audio until a new audio clip in the timeline plays. I am also experiencing the output media with an arbitrary amount of blank footage added at the end. I've checked the timeline to make sure there was not any "straggler" clips hiding at the end. One 10 minute video exported as an hour and a half. We are exporting both through Media Encoder and Premiere.
I had exported a 20 minute movie before installing the update on my system into several formats without issue (H.264 MP4, MPEG2 Blu-ray). My co-worker had already installed the update and was encountering these issues exporting the same file. We didn't realize that the update could be the cause. So I installed the update afterward and am now noticing the same issues when I export files. We are both using new 2015 Macs, Yosemite and El Capitan.
Assuming this is a result of the Update, I'm wondering if anyone else is encountering this issue. Otherwise, I suppose this is more of a report than a question, unless you have a solution for me. Our temp solution is to fill the "dead" audio space in the timeline with low audio slugs.
Hi Chris,
Sorry for your continuing troubles. The workarounds do sound quite painful. I brought up this topic with the engineering team and there's nothing we can do prior to the upcoming version on that issue. Very sorry about that.
All you can do is file bugs as you have and I hope things will go smoother for you in upcoming projects. I hope to provide more info on how to avoid some of these issues and how to streamline processes.
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Thanks! your suggestion help me too. you save the day mate! cheers
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This bug isn't fixed in the latest release (2015.3). In fact, I didn't experience it prior to upgrading to AE 2015.3 this week. Every AE sequence I've exported via Media Encoder ends up with repeated audio in the last two seconds of the rendered video, even without any effects, keyframes, etc. applied.
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Same problem here. I also imported the project into premiere to export and got the same result.
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Hello, I have the same Problem with my projects since last CC-Updates to AE cc 2015.3 and Media Encoder cc 2015.3 Adobe don't able to solve this problem since many months. Will Adobe refuse monthly payments for CC-Suite until the problem is solved? There should be any responsibility.
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I have this issue as of the last update when exporting from After Effects using AME - extra audio being added to the end of a file for no reason, so far spent two hours trying to export one minute of animation. Latest everything, all up-to-date.
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I have this issue as of the last update when exporting from After Effects using AME
You should post After Effects issues in the After Effects forum.
The issue for Premiere Pro was resolved with 2015.3.
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You are correct, of course, I should have posted this in a different forum. However, as this is an issue affecting not just Premier Pro, and doesn't seem to be fixed for all users of Premier Pro either, and seems to be a AME issue not a Premier Pro issue, I thought it would be useful to flag it here.
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You know what is painful, Kevin? Paying for adobe products that can not provide you the needed professional level of operation. Updating your software hoping to solve old problems, but getting a bunch of new ones. Is it possible to deduct the money I lost because of this audio glitch from my monthly subsribing cost?
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Hi AntonN,
Sorry about your problems.
antonn79135912 wrote
You know what is painful, Kevin? Paying for adobe products that can not provide you the needed professional level of operation.
This bug was fixed a while back. Have you updated AME to the most recent version?
Updating your software hoping to solve old problems, but getting a bunch of new ones.
I am not understanding completely. Are you saying that you updated the software, and it fixed this issue, however, it introduced other issues?
Please let us know what's going on.
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I don't know if this is related or not, but I'm getting a similar glitch in Premiere Pro when I dynamic link to an AE comp- the linked audio track has a little repeat at the very end, but within the time span of the AE clip. What's weird about it is that in Premiere, the audio looks like it's been mixed that way. Going back into AE, I can see that I only have a single track.
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From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU for suggesting the simple ME upgrade. That annoying repeat was driving me senseless and I was wasting hours trying to address. ME addressed this issue beautifully.
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I'd like to add my voice to this thread. Also experiencing the audio glitch with Import Sequences Natively checked, Media Encoder
and OS 10.9.5 and Premiere Pro 9.2.0 (41).
Looking forward to receiving Kevin's info on how to avoid and remedy while we wait for a newer version!!!!!
I'm not quite understanding Chris' workarounds...
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I'm also having the problem but only when I upload/export using the extension. Tried Wipster to see if that was any different but that gives me a "Failed Upload". 😞
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Same here. I get repeating audio when exporting with AME, but not when exporting directly from premiere. I'm also experiencing a new bug where sending a clip to AE as a linked comp does not pull that clip into AE and creates an empty AE comp.
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Just adding our experience. Based on the above, I created an 8 second silent WAV file that we keep on hand. Any time there's no audio anywhere in our sequences, we add that file. So far, this workaround has been successful and we've been able to use AME to bulk export. We're checking everything very carefully though.
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We have a major issue with this too since today (may 6th 2016). We have 680 video's due today and we managed to make the deadline with 4 hours to spare, now we encounter this problem. Found this topic searching for a solution or workaround. For one video it would be fine to use the audio or directly from Premiere, but editing 680 video's with this workaround is not an option. Seems like we are going to get in serious trouble and not make our deadline.
Anybody knows if using rendering software only instead of Cuda makes any difference? Tested this, doesn't make any difference.
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I'm having the same problem with the audio being repeated. I believe my problems started with the update in January. Either way this thread was started in December and is marked as "answered" and users are still having the problem and are still being forced to search for workarounds. Poor.
I hope there is a "solved" status available and that it becomes useful sometime soon.
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I find a quick fix is to create an audio slug which runs underneath the sequence - extend it past the out point too before you export.
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Thanks for the tip, bamml24196736. I just came across this issue. I guess I didn't have empty audio in any of the other projects I was working on this year. I seem to be able to use any audio file on it's own track and drop the volume for that track to it's lowest through the audio mixer and audio renders correctly. And thanks to all who identified the scenarios that cause this.
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Same Problem here. And found a workaround.
Dont know if this has been mentioned before. But using Premiere itself to render instead of Media Encoder worked for me.
Hope it helps someone out there.
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I got the same problem with the ghostly repeating of audio in a portion of empty audio area, exporting from Aftereffects/ PC. This happened after upgrading to the last 2015.3 version of Media Encoder. Never had this problem before. None of the above tips worked for me, but only exporting the entire project, including audio as a lossless video via AE and then converting it to H264 via AME. This was the only way it worked for me.
There is no such problem when rendering only that composition separately, but the problem appears when rendering it as a layer in the main comp. Adding only the audio on the main comp's timeline as a layer gives the same glitch - repetition of random words, sometimes just a sort of gibberish. I really hope the engineers will be able to fix this soon.
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Here's what I did that worked for me... Add 3-4 seconds to the Composition in AE. In Media Encoder, go into the "Preset" menu and trim off however much you added onto the project. Maybe try testing it with short projects? Hope it helps.
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Interesting idea, but the gap in my audio tracks is often not just at the end. The bug effects any space in the timeline of both Premiere and AE where there's an audio gap, and I often have audio gaps all throughout my projects. My rough cuts often go out for review to producers and clients long before the audio guy has a chance to mess with filling in the gaps.
My solution is to render from whatever program I'm working in and Handbraking the enormous render so it's small enough to send out for review. While not too much of a PITA, the fact that Media Encoder should do the trick but has had this bug for a long time across many versions is super annoying.
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This worked for me as well. I added 2 seconds to the end and left the work area the original length. Then sent it to Media Encoder. No more glitch. No trimming required. Thanks
FYI This was not an issue for us until the most recent update.
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Same for me, I encountered that glitch only with the latest update.
Solved it by adding a layer containing audio, silenced with the effect "stereo mixer".