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WAV to AAC convert messes up duration of original file

New Here ,
Jan 23, 2022 Jan 23, 2022

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I just converted multiple WAV into AAC Files - the duration of the files after converting always turned out way longer than they were before! Even more bizarre is the fact that the files in any media player (Windows, Groove, VLC, Quicktime) were different to the duration showed in the details of the file. I.e. original WAV File was exactly 60 seconds, AAC File Details showed 01:06 and when played in a media player, it would be between 01:03 to 01:01, but never 60 seconds. When putting both files in  audition, they look exactly the same. Also, the longer the file, the larger the gap between actual duration of the wav to the aac file. Like a 15 minute WAV File would be around 16:37 after converting it into AAC and the media player would show something like 15:45. I’m super confused and have no clue why this is happening. I also tried different parameter when converting by changing the kbps rate for example.

Error or problem , Formats






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