"Your account cannot be accessed from this computer"
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Someone once sent me a document via Adobe Sign. My understanding is this creates an Adobe Sign account for my email address, but I can't log in.
I can request a new password by following the "I forgot my password steps": I receive an email to reset my password, I can enter and save a new password, but when I try to log in with that password at Sign In — e-signature and e-sign Software Solution — Adobe Sign I get this error:
"Your account cannot be accessed from this computer. Please contact your support staff."
I'm copy and pasting each new password so I know there are no typos. I've also tried doing this process after clearing my cache and in different browsers.
I can log in to Adobe ID at Adobe Account​​, but the same credentials don't let me into Adobe Sign. If I try to log in with my Adobe ID password at Adobe Sign I get this error:
"Invalid email or password, or your account may be locked."
I googled the first error and found Getting the error: 'Your account cannot be accessed from this computer. Please contact your support ... , but that doesn't help me because it's a private email address, not part of a company with an account admin.
I tried talking to Adobe Support in the help chat, but they just kept saying my Adobe Sign account was "invalid". They were unable to explain how to turn it into a valid account (probably because I'm not paying for it).
To be clear, I can still receive documents for signing at this email address. I just can't log in to view them, or send any of my own.
Does anyone have any ideas?
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You signing an pdf with Adobe sign does not create an account for you. BUT if you every do get an account that form will be attached to your account—assuming you use the same email address.
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Okay, thanks for clarifying that. How do I create an Adobe Sign account then? When I try to sign up for the free trial I get an email that says:
Subject: Unable to provision new Adobe Sign trial
Body: Thank you for requesting an Adobe Sign free trial.
The email address you entered to sign up has either:
- previously been used for an Adobe Sign trial, or
- you already have an existing Adobe Sign account.
If you believe this is in error, please visit the Adobe Sign login page and click on "I forgot my password". Fill out your information there, then look for an email titled "Changing Your Adobe Sign password". Follow those instructions to gain access to your Adobe Sign trial account.
I've been through the "I forgot my password" steps twice, successfully created a new password twice, but each time I tried to log in with that new password (copy and pasted so no typos) I get the error message "Your account cannot be accessed from this computer. Please contact your support staff." If I try to log into Adobe Sign with my working Adobe ID credentials, I get the error message "Invalid email or password, or your account may be locked."