Hi John, sorry this is happening to you. Thank you for providing the log file! Could you screenshot what youa re seeing such as the blank layers and empty grids?
I had some follow up questions:
- Where you ever able to drag 3D objects before? Or is this the first time you are using the Viewer and the Plugin?
- What type of 3D objects where you trying to import?
- Did it any of the programs crash on you when you try to drag the 3D objects? Did anything error messages pop up?
Hi @John_Finlayson , I had a quick follow up question to this. Were you ever part of the pre-relese forums and group? If so, did you download any of those builds while use the Beta version from Creative Cloud?
Hi @StefanKlein , sorry this is happening to you. I have seen your other post from a month ago in the pre-release forum. Are you getting this message even when you are not importing / dragging in a 3D model? In other words does it pop up without automatically? Are you at least able to use the Viewer? The pop up message seems to only be showing up on the Photoshop plugin side.