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I wonder why there is no important updates in Adobe Xd functionality? Since few years this projest slowed down. Why you guys don't add very important features like borders only on one edge of the squere etc? There are lots of tickets in the queue that all users are waiting.
There was a time after beta version of Xd when each upade had at least one imporant feature. Now I can't see any game changing updates.
1 Correct answer
@BryanPS As you know, Adobe announced its intent to acquire Figma on September 15, 2022. But, faced regulatory hurdles, particularly in the UK and EU. In May 2023, Xd went into 'Maintenance Mode' and is still there. On December 18, 2023, both Adobe and Figma mutually agreed to terminate the merger agreement. This means the acquisition did not go through.
In simpler terms, Adobe XD is no longer being actively developed. This means you won't see any new features or major updates added to the soft
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@BryanPS As you know, Adobe announced its intent to acquire Figma on September 15, 2022. But, faced regulatory hurdles, particularly in the UK and EU. In May 2023, Xd went into 'Maintenance Mode' and is still there. On December 18, 2023, both Adobe and Figma mutually agreed to terminate the merger agreement. This means the acquisition did not go through.
In simpler terms, Adobe XD is no longer being actively developed. This means you won't see any new features or major updates added to the software. However, Adobe is still providing essential support, like fixing bugs and ensuring it stays secure.
Think of it like an old car. While it still runs and is safe to drive, it won't get any new bells and whistles. Adobe has committed to maintaining it for now, but it's uncertain how long this will continue.
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Intanto che imparo Figma (e già lo trovo fantastico con funzionalità stupende come per esempio stupidamente un testo sfumato senza convertirlo in traccia, o l'auto-layout, ecc.....) spero che XD rimanga attivo, anche senza aggiornamenti, almeno ho il tempo di convertire molti template ed elementi in FIGMA.
Da 24 anni uso Adobe, sopratutto nel web design, prima con Macromedia Fireworks (acquistato da Adobe poco dopo) poi con Adobe XD e ho tutti i sorgenti in questi formati, che distratto. Credi di chiudere definitivamente con ADOBE. Troverò un'alternativa alle poche volte che uso Photoshop. Forse l'unico problema è Illustrator. Devo trovare una valida alternativa.