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All that you need to know about using Lottie Animations in XD

Adobe Employee ,
Oct 28, 2021 Oct 28, 2021

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Hi everyone,


As a designer, if you want to include high-quality animations in prototypes that can be reused by developers in their code, your wait is over. With XD 45, you can now add Lottie Animations to your prototypes.

Note: For updates on importing GIF files in XD, we request you to stay tuned to the announcements here


What is Lottie JSON?

Lottie is an open-source, JSON-based, high quality animation file format that is tiny, interactive, and can be manipulated at run time. For a detailed information on Lottie animations and their history, see this article. For examples of Lottie Animations, check out these cool creations on LottieFiles.



Using a Lottie file to simulate a preloader


How do I use Lottie files in XD?

Import Lottie files into XD for prototyping and then share them with developers who can repurpose the animations in their code. See this detailed tutorial(Video) and article(HTML) on using Lottie animations.


How do I find or download Lottie Animations? 

How can I use Lottie files in XD?

You can choose any of the following options to import Lottie Files:


  • Convert a Lottie file to a Component for reuse across designs and artboards.
  • Add a Lottie file to a group of objects and convert it to a Component. When you add a Lottie file to the main component, all instances of that component have the Lottie file.
  • Set playback for Lottie animation on loop from Interactive Media panel


Things to remember while using Lottie files in XD

While importing Lottie files to XD 

While using Lottie files in XD?

  • Lottie files created in Flow (createwithflow.com) are not supported. To use Lottie files created in Flow, do the following:
    1. Use a text editor to open JSON file.
    2. Replace all “tt”: 0.0 with “xx”: 0.0
    3. Save and import the file into XD.
  • If a Lottie animation uses a desktop font, the font is not displayed during web playback.
  • An error message is displayed for Lottie animations referencing external resources.
  • If you try to import a JSON file that is not Lottie JSON, an error message is displayed.
  • To save a Lottie file to CC libraries, convert it to a component.
  • Lottie files will not play automatically if a video is set to play automatically.
  • Lottie animations stop playing if other prototyping triggers are initiated.
  • Lottie animations cannot be exported.
  • Lottie animations are not available in design specs


How do I specify playback options for Lottie files?

This tutorial helps you prototype a loading page using Lottie. To follow along, we suggest that you Click here to download the exercise file

ezgif.com-gif-maker (5).gif


  1. Import or drag-drop Lottie files to your artboard.
  2. In design mode, select the Lottie asset on the artboard.
  3. In the Interactive Media section of the Property Inspector, choose a preset: Play on Tap, Play Automatically, or No Playback
  4. If you want your Lottie to play on loop, click the Loop Playback button.
  5. You can also customize the Lottie playback. In the Interactive Media section of the Property Inspector, select Edit playback for options.When you select Edit playback, you automatically switch to Prototype mode.


If you wish to make minor adjustments to your Lottie files, please see this post .


For information on working with multiple time triggers for artboards, Lottie files, and videos, please refer to this post.


We would love to hear from you about how you found this feature and what you created. Reply to this post to share your observations with us.









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