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I had the Adobe XD Starter Plan on my old laptop. It always worked fine. Since installing Creative Cloud on my new laptop, every time I try to download the starter plan through this link: It opens up Creative Cloud & a message pops up saying my account does not have access to XD, but I have XD on my old laptop with the same account!
I'm not quite ready yet to start the monthly plan.
Could someone please let me know how to get the Starter Plan? Do I need to do the trial first?
Thank you very much for your help in advance 🙂
1 Correct answer
Please contact via help icon from xd website that you have been refereed to.
Also check this conversion. Solved: Can I get a confirmation that Adobe XD Starter Pla... - Adobe Support Community - 12210240
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Please go to your Adobe account and check how many active sessions you have running. Cancel unused onee. Sing in/out to your account and try apps.
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Hi Ares.
Thank you for your help. Unfortunately, this hasn't worked. For some reason, it shows I have no active devices or active plans. I have now uninstalled XD & signed out of Creative Cloud on my old laptop. After doing this I uninstalled Creative Cloud on my new laptop & got as far as downloading the XD Installer, seemed like it was working for a moment but as it started to download Creative Cloud again but then pops up with the only options being to start the 7 day trial or buy XD. If I click to install the Starter Plan again on the link above, it gives me the same no access to XD message. 😞
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Please contact via help icon from xd website that you have been refereed to.
Also check this conversion. Solved: Can I get a confirmation that Adobe XD Starter Pla... - Adobe Support Community - 12210240