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Hi there, I've created like this group with padding & responsive resize setting.
When I change the text and expand the group the group object, I expect the black rect in the group expand together because of responsive resize setting. However, it doesn't.
Could you advise how this can work? Thanks:)
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1 Correct answer
Hi mitsukif,
I think I know what's missing here. If you group the two rectangles and place it at the last inside the main group and then edit the text, both the rectangles will expand simultaneously. The order should be,
Group 1 (padding on)
Group 2
Rectangle 1
Rectangle 2
I am also attaching a video for your reference. https://www.dropbox.com/s/4ou1o6fxv9zf10j/CAG.mov?dl=0
Let me know if this resolves the issue.
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Hi there,
Thank you for reaching out and using Adobe XD. I am unable to reproduce the same at my end. Is it possible for you to share a short video of the workflow for better understanding? Which operating system you are working on?
I would like to confirm if you are following the same process as mentioned here: https://letsxd.com/content-aware-layout
Let us know if that helps.
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Here's the screen video https://cl.ly/3d2b6a5edea1
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Also, here is the XD file: https://cl.ly/eb829038e3da
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Hi mitsukif,
I think I know what's missing here. If you group the two rectangles and place it at the last inside the main group and then edit the text, both the rectangles will expand simultaneously. The order should be,
Group 1 (padding on)
Group 2
Rectangle 1
Rectangle 2
I am also attaching a video for your reference. https://www.dropbox.com/s/4ou1o6fxv9zf10j/CAG.mov?dl=0
Let me know if this resolves the issue.
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Perfectly worked! Thanks 🙂
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Thank you sharing your observation with us. This will definitely help our customer fix the similar issue. Please feel free to reach out to us in the future for any query related to XD.
We'd be happy to help.