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Drag transition on an component with hover state, inside a XY scrollable area… not so easy

Explorer ,
Dec 15, 2021 Dec 15, 2021

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I share with you today an interaction we find everyday on the web or in apps :

Move a pin with embedded animation on a scrollable map


the embedded animation is a simple hover detection effect to increase component's affordance.

Basicaly, it grows to increase its gripping surface.


I cut the problem in three phases in XD so you can tell me where I can improve the process to solve this classic map interaction.


1. The XY scrollable area and the main goal

The map is in blue, and the scrollable area is croping

the two artboards explain the objective : while green and pink objects are snaped on the scrollable map and follow the map, the purpose is to move the green component on the map

hover + drag setup.jpg


Demo : linked video 1 - XY scrollable area.mp4

Here, scrollable area works, and components are attached to the blue map. Easy.


First issue : linked video 2 - drag impossible jump.mp4

I cannot start drag transition on the green component from any location of the map inside the scrollable area. It has to be played from the dedicated location, creating a "jump" on the click in ordre to retrieve the initial location, before I can start sliding the green component.


Now, the main problem : trying to add Hover effect on the draggable/slidable green component.


hover inside scrollable.jpg

Main issue : linked video 3 - hover ok drag impossible.mp4

the Hover state is bypassed.


How can we recreate Pin location hover effect on a slidable component related to a scrollable map, before sliding it from A to B without moving the map itself, regardless the map's location inside the scrollable area ?








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Explorer ,
Dec 15, 2021 Dec 15, 2021

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edit : on the main issue, the hover effect is not bypassed, sorry…

the drag transition from artboard 1 to 2 is not available : only the map (with all objects attached) is moved when I click, even when I click the green component





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Explorer ,
Dec 15, 2021 Dec 15, 2021

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this is an example of a pin freely draggable regardless the location of the map, and attached to the map when dropped





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