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How to edit a published xd file?

New Here ,
May 17, 2022 May 17, 2022

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Hi all. An editor that I work with published a XD file and I can't access it anymore.

The doocument is in my Published tab, when I click on it, it open on the web app, but not in XD. There are some updates that we need to do and can't open it in XD. I can copy the link – but it does nothing and I don't knowwhere to paste it to.

How can I move this published file into my Cloud documents so I can edit and work?

How to , Open and save docs , Share or publish






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , May 17, 2022 May 17, 2022

If you're going to https://assets.adobe.com/links to see your published XD file, you'll see that below the filename, it shows that it's a Prototype. In order to edit the content, you'll need the XDC file (or XD file if you saved it as a local document). In https://assets.adobe.com click on the Cloud documents tab (or go to https://assets.adobe.com/cloud-documents) to see if you can find it there. If the editor shared the XDC file with you, then you can open Adobe XD and click Shared with you on




Community Expert ,
May 17, 2022 May 17, 2022

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If you're going to https://assets.adobe.com/links to see your published XD file, you'll see that below the filename, it shows that it's a Prototype. In order to edit the content, you'll need the XDC file (or XD file if you saved it as a local document). In https://assets.adobe.com click on the Cloud documents tab (or go to https://assets.adobe.com/cloud-documents) to see if you can find it there. If the editor shared the XDC file with you, then you can open Adobe XD and click Shared with you on the left to see if you have access to it. If they didn't share the XDC file with you, then have the editor open Adobe XD and click on Your files on the left side to see if it's there.





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Community Expert ,
May 17, 2022 May 17, 2022

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I would add that in case either of you deleted it, you can check by clicking on Deleted on the left inside Adobe XD. If the XDC file is there, then you can click on the three dots to the right of the filename to Restore the document.





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