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I am the owner of our design system master file built in Adobe XD. I am leaving the company and we need to transfer ownership to one of my collaborators so they can publish updates. I have co-editing enabled but it appears only I can push the share updates. Once the company deletes my adobe account will my team be able to take ownership, manage the file and, publish updates?
Hi there,
Sorry for the delay in response. As of now, we don't have a time frame by when this would be available, having said that, let me assure you that I'll share your feedback with the Engineering and product management team and you can do that too by voting for this request to add voice to the feature
Feel free to reach out if you have any other q
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Hi Louise,
Thanks for reaching out. I found a similar discussion on the community which you can refer to here
Let us know if this helps or if you need any further assistance.
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Thank you, It seems like based on the response this is not currently possible? The team will need to maintain the links to the original components as they are used as the basis of our design system. The share links are being used by our dev team to build out our website. I realize this is not your fault but this is a serious issue for enterprise teams. People leave companies all the time and it really must be made a feature to easily transfer ownership when this occurs. Is the only workaround that they maintain my adobe account after I leave?
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Hi, Louise. I'm a designer for a large company and find myself in a similar situation. I'm leaving the company at the end of the week, but have a lot of assets that I've created in XD that I need to be able to transfer to my coworkers. What I've ended up doing is, in addition to saving the libraries to the Cloud, I also saved a local copy and uploaded it to our shared drive. This way they'll at least have something they can use as a backup if something happens with the Cloud versions. I'll let you know how this goes, but yeah, it's a little silly that this hasn't already been addressed. I mean, it's not like it's a new issue or anything.
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Same. This is crazy. No wonder people are moving to Figma.
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@default8smsaqwkmfki how is this handled differently in Figma?
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Figma has a higher price but it's worth it. I can actually list what our needs and adobe Xd can't do but Figma can:
- Thumbnail for project
- transfer ownership
- Share the whole file (not prototype) with a link
- Invite pther people to the file but not editing
To name but a few...
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Hi Rishabh,
Following up on this poster's question as well. Is this feature slated to be worked on in the near future? It's a very necessary feature for teams to be able to transfer ownership (or have multiple owners) of XD files, libraries and design systems. The discussion you linked to does resolve this or give an information about when users can expect this. Can you please let us know any information on the status of this request?
Thank you.
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Hi there,
Sorry for the delay in response. As of now, we don't have a time frame by when this would be available, having said that, let me assure you that I'll share your feedback with the Engineering and product management team and you can do that too by voting for this request to add voice to the feature
Feel free to reach out if you have any other questions or feedback.
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Hi Rishabh, I'm following up on this post's request. Is this feature done already? Is it possible to transfer ownership of the projects from one account to another?
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Hello Rishab,
Any update on the mentioned feature? Because I'm working on someone's file and the owner's account doesnt exist. I'm unable to perform actions like publishing to the link.
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I'm on the same boat here, since there's apparently no resolution here, I've told my successor to copy it locally and then publish it himself to the cloud. the he becomes the new owner and can publish. the major dowside is that if your team is collaborating through and refferencing tickets like through jira or other collab environments, then those links will eventually become out of date. Good luck to all those who are moving on and have moved on... they are probably all using Adobe's new product, Figma! Hahaha!
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Any update in this regard in 2022?
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Hi Amjad@Spacewell ,
We're so sorry for the delay. I am afraid, as of now, we don't have the time frame by when this feature would be available. Having said that let me assure you, that I'll share your feedback with the Engineering team.
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I would also like to see this feature added.
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please prioritise this feature 😞
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!! Please prioritize transferring or sharing permissions to update already generated links to view files in a browser. !!
Not having this capability is totally impractical and a real pain point for designers, developers, prioject teams, project managers, and executives. EVERYONE!!!! Please fix this asap.
No transfer/reassignment of file admin/ownership permissions poses problems when a person leaves the company. I am working for a large corporation where the previous creator and owner of a mission critical XD file left the company. I took over the UX design aspects of the project but cannot update any of the previous employees XD file links that have been shared throughout the entire company downstream/upstream and with contracted dev services. I cannot just create a copy of a file and generate a new link when the old original link exists in multuple locations and some unknown... I cannot access these and change out the link to a new one.
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Please, I'm going away on vacation for a month and not having this feature is a nightmare
My team member/s now have to create new links for existing projects which just confuses the hell out of stakeholders 😞
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Just wanted to jump in here and echo what everyone is saying:
This is ridiculous and needs to be rectified asap!
I don't understand how this was not implemented to start and it's now been at least 2 years since it was raised and that functionality still doesn't exist? This basically makes XD unusable for teams. You've always got people leaving jobs, sick, on holidays etc so for publish rights to be restricted to one person with not even any way to transfer ownership is insane. When you share a file with someone, why can't there be an option to assign them publish rights?
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We are having the same issue. We also are not able to have invited users to the library edit the document even when invited with editing permissions. We did come up with a work around by inviting the users to "Collaborate" in the document. Which is a seperate invitation. The collaborating users can make edits and also push them to be updated. On a side note when on the phone with Adobe trying to figure this out Adobe told us our work around would not work. IT DOES WORK. We still have not figured out how to transfer ownerhip so I will keep checking back on this thread.
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If we cannot transfer ownership of an XD file, perhaps a more reasonable request is to 1. no longer limit the updating of prototype links to the owner, and/or 2. for there to be multiple file owners. XD is a great program but will go down as a "if only they..." program without key updates like these.
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Actually insanity that, after 2 years of this being posted, there is still no solution to transfer Ownership.
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Absolute nightmare to still not have this feature. I'm at a mid-sized company putting out a product and built an entire design system with multiple flows, and hold the responsibility and pressure of managing ALL links and library updates as both the team and product grow. People in this position get put in hot lava to be "on call" while OOO or interrupt their own projects to push updates. Then also risk an earful once there are several versions of links of the same flow because teammates have to make temp links from local copies as a last resort (which leads to a whole other branch of cross-functional nightmares).
Forbid that anyone leave the company and have to communicate to hundreds of devs that those links aren't active anymore and designers have to link files to new a library. And the weight of these pressures for any design lead trying to keep their efforts and jobs afloat.
Adobe, PLZ fix this it's driving us insane.
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We are in 2024 and this feauture is still not available. Our senior designer went on maternity leave and we now have to go to her computer to actualy be able to publish the changes.
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@ArtikelSwintWebDev I would have saved a local copy to the server or to the back-ups. This way, anyone can update the files. If she is on mat leave, you have no choice. It's really no big deal, unless she deleted the files...and then you need to check with IT to see if their is a back-up around the time she left to retrieve old files that were saed to the server