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No longer able to publish existing prototype (quota exceeded)

New Here ,
Jun 26, 2023 Jun 26, 2023

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To begin, I am on the latest Mac OS Ventura 13.4 and the latest Adobe XD (Creative Cloud Sync


I am experiencing an issue with a long-existing working prototype file and publishing to existing links. At 100% of publishing I receive a 44:49 error no matter which of the three links I publish (review, spec, presentation) When I review the adobexd.log file I see this error, which occurs at exactly 100% of publishing the link. Specifically, the response message of 403 Forbidden - Quota exceeded. Error is shown below. Can someone at Adobe indicate to me how I can get past this? I am unable to publish work for teams until this issue is resolved. Thanks!


2023-06-26 05:48:20.509875-0500[978:10734(SpIngestServiceT)] info | dcxLib | invoke 309 POST https://cc-api-data.adobe.io/ingest/ with requestId = 9ffacfef-e82d-4a35-a233-5e34125aef89.309
2023-06-26 05:48:20.512394-0500[978:63012(V8 Manager Threa)] error | jsconsole | ERROR - Sharing failed with: {
2023-06-26 05:48:20.512582-0500[978:63012(V8 Manager Threa)] error | jsconsole | "sharingErrorStr": "pushFailed"
2023-06-26 05:48:20.512734-0500[978:63012(V8 Manager Threa)] error | jsconsole | }
2023-06-26 05:48:20.512869-0500[978:63012(V8 Manager Threa)] error | jsconsole | Error Code: Error kXd/44 (operator()_1137)
2023-06-26 05:48:20.513012-0500[978:63012(V8 Manager Threa)] error | jsconsole | JS stack trace:
2023-06-26 05:48:20.513147-0500[978:63012(V8 Manager Threa)] error | jsconsole | updatePublishedComposite (lib/$DCXCompositeDesktopAdapter.js:1:988)
2023-06-26 05:48:20.513295-0500[978:63012(V8 Manager Threa)] error | jsconsole | publish (commands/SharingCommands.js:1:24539)
2023-06-26 05:48:20.513437-0500[978:63012(V8 Manager Threa)] error | jsconsole | (commands/SharingCommands.js:1:23842)
2023-06-26 05:48:20.513576-0500[978:63012(V8 Manager Threa)] error | jsconsole |
2023-06-26 05:48:20.513706-0500[978:63012(V8 Manager Threa)] error | jsconsole | - Nested Error kDcx/49 (Server Code: 403.1, with message: Forbidden - Quota exceeded) - Nested Error kDcxHTTP/403
2023-06-26 05:48:20.513868-0500[978:63012(V8 Manager Threa)] error | jsconsole | RequestId:
2023-06-26 05:48:20.514053-0500[978:63012(V8 Manager Threa)] error | jsconsole | 6b5b5d7b-e4a2-44ba-84ed-984dde4619e6.1388
2023-06-26 05:48:20.514202-0500[978:63012(V8 Manager Threa)] error | jsconsole |
2023-06-26 05:48:20.514338-0500[978:63012(V8 Manager Threa)] error | jsconsole | URL:
2023-06-26 05:48:20.514507-0500[978:63012(V8 Manager Threa)] error | jsconsole | https://cc-api-storage.adobe.io/id/urn:aaid:sc:US:8caeddd4-fd8d-415c-9ef5-52cd4dd2a2d5/:manifest
2023-06-26 05:48:20.514678-0500[978:63012(V8 Manager Threa)] error | jsconsole | at console.exports.error (lib/console.js:1:806)
2023-06-26 05:48:20.514828-0500[978:63012(V8 Manager Threa)] error | jsconsole | at Object.reportError (sharing/SharingUtil.js:1:4526)
2023-06-26 05:48:20.514974-0500[978:63012(V8 Manager Threa)] error | jsconsole | at Object.finishSharing (sharing/SharingSpec.js:1:817)
2023-06-26 05:48:20.515122-0500[978:63012(V8 Manager Threa)] error | jsconsole | at Object.finishSharing (sharing/Sharing.js:1:19299)
2023-06-26 05:48:20.515268-0500[978:63012(V8 Manager Threa)] error | jsconsole | at handleErrorAndFinishSharing (commands/SharingCommands.js:1:14917)
2023-06-26 05:48:20.515418-0500[978:63012(V8 Manager Threa)] error | jsconsole | at commands/SharingCommands.js:1:23991







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