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Scrollable Areas Broken in Developer Review

Community Beginner ,
Sep 17, 2021 Sep 17, 2021

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I started working recently for a major app platform and have been waxing lyrical about how much better Adobe XD is than Sketch, or other similar tools, but I've been sorely let down by all the bugs in the design review and developer and hand-off tools.


Pins don’t pin (mentioned in another post) and the developer hand-off is now completely broken, and has been for weeks, if not months. We’ve spent several weeks converting our app and web properties from Sketch to XD…But when you try to view the code and layout of elements in a scrollable group, everything goes haywire the moment you get bellow the fold. You can’t scroll when review is enabled, and once you do focus on your target area, it’s impossible to select the correct element as there are ghosts for all the elements that should now be off page.


This unacceptable Adobe. How does your QA miss issues like this? If this isn’t resolved quickly, we’ll have no option but to switch the entire team back to Sketch, which would be a shame, as XD has some great features, but as it stands, it’s unusable.


See an example here: https://xd.adobe.com/view/929830e9-f84f-420a-b6ed-a25f76d159a5-c7cb/

Product performance , Prototyping , Share or publish






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