[Text]-Gotham fonts is creating problem on mac in XD.
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I'm trying to use Gotham and every time I change the typeface it puts the first line of text outside the editing box and i can't see it or edit it. Not to mention it screws up all my measurements. It's impossible to work. I can't pick a different font either because this is client work and they use Gotham.
I don't know what to do. Sometimes if I swap between fonts fast enough it stays in there. but then I can't change the typeface subtype because I come up against the same issue.
I'm really new to XD but I can't seem to find any way to change the copy's baseline although it does seem to be a baseline issue.
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I've seen something like this reported: Text disappears – Adobe XD Feedback : Feature Requests & Bugs
It's Windows specific I think - Gotham is absolutely fine on my Macs.
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Hi Kenneth,
I'm actually using a mac. It's the weirdest thing. It's not all the fonts either. I haven't the faintest what it is.
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OK in that case can you tell me how to replicate your issue?
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Did you get to the bottom of this? I am having the same issue with Gotham in XD. Was fine one day and not the next. If I change the font to something other than gotham it goes back in line with the text box. I also use a mac.
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Hi there,
Sorry to hear you are having trouble. Is it possible for you to share a short video capturing the problem for better understanding? Are you using the current version of XD (28.2)?
We will try our best to help.
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Hi Harshika
Thanks for coming back to me.
Here is the screen recording.
As you can see, Gotham is causing the font to sit above the box and it is difficult to edit text as the cursur doesn't sit where you expect.
I change the font to something else and it sits normal again.
Change it back to Gotham and get the same problem.
Yes XD is the current version (28.2)
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Gotham works fine for me. It looks like you are not using the same font file as mine though. Mine came from Hoefler (the foundry) direct.
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This exact thing is happening to me right now! I was asked to change all fonts to Gotham for a specific project, and the text sits above the text box. It screws up the placement of every single text box (which is a lot!). It's only Gotham. Did you ever figure out a solution?
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I was able to get it to work once using this method... selecting the existing (non-Gotham) text and add a character style, and then right click the style to edit it. Change the font to Gotham. It seems to update correctly that way in a paragraph.
However there also seem to be some inconsistencies... and still can't seem to change all text at once but it might be because of my groups. This fix also only worked for me with paragaphs but I essentially just don't have time to play around with it.
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No I didn't. I figured maybe I had a dodgy version of gotham (the font was on my work machine when I started). I just had to work with it sitting above the box.
The next project I worked on that used Gotham was fine though.
Hopefully you have got it to work!
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Just left a comment on the main thread. It was my version of Gotham! My boss had two folders of Gotham. She sent me only one, and that was the buggy one. So I uninstalled it and installed the other one and everything went back to normal (text is correctly inside the text boxes now). Now I get to do the fun job of re-editing the entire XD artboard since the fonts all moved positions. Haha.
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Hello, just wanted to leave an update, as I was having this same problem:
It was just with that particular version of Gotham that I was having an issue. My boss sent me another version, and once I installed that one, the fonts went back to normal. Of course that means I have to redo everything because the text is now appearing INSIDE the text box (as it should) instead of ON TOP of the text box (as the corrupt version of Gotham was doing). But I'd rather it be correct even if I have to fix it.
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I'm having the same problem but while using Mercury Display
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I'm having the same issue too, with the text showing outside the bounding box.
This makes alignment very inacurate. I'm using DIN.
MacOS: Monterey v12.1
Adobe XD Version: 44.1.12
I can't update to the latest Adobe XD as that has caused serveral other problems like not being able to create a new file and fonts not syncing.
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I also have same problem . anyone here knows how to fix this ? same font ..Gotham
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I've never had any issues with any of the Gotham fonts myself. What's your OS and where did you get the Gotham font files from? Do you use a font management software?
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I have also faced the same issue while using the “Gotham font” on my MacBook. It was so annoying when I couldn’t see anything while typing or editing something. After so many tries found the solution.
To resolve this issue, install the “OTF” format and re-edit all the text fonts in the file :).