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I have persisting issues with uploading Adobe XD prototypes and cloud files:
- when a file is saved to Cloud, everything is working very slow, files are opening and saving very slow, sometimes it doesn't save at all and I lose the changes I made
- trying to upload prototype "create link" or "update link" - very slow upload, and I get errors al the time
- Adobe XD version
- Mac OS Catalina version 10.15.7
- I'm using WiFi, here's my internet speed test
- tried using another network, but the issues persist.
- I uploaded Adobe logs yesterday File:
{Renamed By MOD}
Hi there,
Sorry to hear about the trouble. Please try the steps shared below:
If this doesn't work, please try the steps suggested here:
Let us know if this helps or if
...Copy link to clipboard
Thanks for updating the XD app, @pynouch. Is it possible for you to share the XD file with me over a private message so that I can check on my end? If yes, please upload the XD file to a shared location such as CC or Dropbox and share the URL with me.
Does that happen with every file or with a specific file?
We will try our best to help.
Copy link to clipboard
I get the shame error 44:76 . Tried all the above and the only thing did worked was, creating a link from another desktop. though I my desktop is still having issues. when using an empty artboard, it creates the link.