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Where is layers panel in xD on Windows 10 beta?

Community Beginner ,
Dec 13, 2016 Dec 13, 2016


I downloaded the Windows 10 xD Beta today (which seems to have been quietly released?) and I was reviewing some of the tutorials when I already ran into a question. Where is the artboard layers list as shown in the video. According to the video, there should be a cogwheel button on lower left of GUI that opens a list of artboards.

Video link: https://images-tv.adobe.com/avp/vr/264f4f6b-d851-4163-8e87-2af5b6ce2b35/5396f99d-ac8a-4702-b3fc-278e...

What I'm looking for is shown at the time-stamp 3:14

Attached is a screen shot. I'm guessing it's not yet included in this Windows 10 release? Note that the program was resized to float over the taskbar, the taskbar isn't hiding anything.


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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Beginner , Dec 13, 2016 Dec 13, 2016

Hi there.

Thanks so much for downloading XD for Windows 10 and for submitting your question about the functionality.  Your hunch that Layers is not yet available on Windows is correct.  We're still working on that -- and many other features -- so that XD for macOS and Windows 10 have the same functionality.

The video that you included in your question is a link to the macOS product, so I'm going to provide you with a link to the tutorial for XD on Windows 10: Adobe XD design app for Windows 10 | Adobe Experience Design CC (Beta) tutorials

Community Beginner ,
Dec 13, 2016 Dec 13, 2016

Hi there.

Thanks so much for downloading XD for Windows 10 and for submitting your question about the functionality.  Your hunch that Layers is not yet available on Windows is correct.  We're still working on that -- and many other features -- so that XD for macOS and Windows 10 have the same functionality.

The video that you included in your question is a link to the macOS product, so I'm going to provide you with a link to the tutorial for XD on Windows 10: Adobe XD design app for Windows 10 | Adobe Experience Design CC (Beta) tutorials

In addition to that, you can also check out this page: Windows support for Adobe XD , which will tell you in detail which features are in the current release and which features you can expect to see in the near future.

Thanks again for downloading and using XD and let us know what you think.

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Community Beginner ,
Dec 13, 2016 Dec 13, 2016


Thanks for replying That makes sense, I just wanted to be sure I didn't over-look anything. The CC Launcher brings you to https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-design.html?mv=product&mv2=accc# when clicking on the tutorials link under the Xd launcher icon in the app list. Following the getting started links naturally leads to the macOS videos. Perhaps the team might make a change to the link in the app launcher to point to your Windows tuts for others who might have the same inquiry

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Community Beginner ,
Dec 13, 2016 Dec 13, 2016

That's a great piece of feedback (about sending customers to that link directly that only has the Win10 tutorials).  I'm going to pass this along!  Thanks.

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New Here ,
Mar 22, 2017 Mar 22, 2017

Is there an update on when the layers and symbols functionality will be added to the Windows version? It's hard to develop on my little macbook air and I'd rather be using my large screen monitor but I only have that hooked up to a pc.

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Community Beginner ,
May 10, 2017 May 10, 2017

Also waiting on this!

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