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It is case when I opened a new window. Similar problem was in normal workflow - some sontrols just become invisible or change own state, I don't know why.
And second problem that I face frequently is Adobe XD close all windows when I am just working. And that cases stress and bored and knock off the working spirit.
So guy's, solve the optimization problem with adobe xd app. I think, this is happens when operative memory is not enough.
When it happened I send reports through special windows after app crashes and you must get them.
Thank you for you work. I like your app and I will use them again, but this cases hurt me and upset me. I hope you will solve this problems.
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Hi there,
Sorry to hear about the trouble. Regarding the first issue, that generally happens when there is no selection or no artboard has been selected. Regarding the second issue, please share a few more details like:
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Hi, Rishabh.
1. Adobe XD version is 36.2.32
2. Crahes happened in different situations and haven;t some specific pattern. I think I have a file with many variables and components and file size is too big - 30-40 Mb sometimes. Sometimes crashes happened when I switch-on my desktop from sleep, sometimes when I just worked.
3. It is not specific file. It was all different files.
So first issue happens when file was loaded and I haven't worked with him yet.
Thank you for your answer and reaction.