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XD to after effects text import as separated text boxes instead of a single one

New Here ,
Mar 16, 2023 Mar 16, 2023

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I've been having this problem these past few months when exporting text from XD to AE.

Text boxes began to import as separated boxes with 1 character, 2, 3... instead of a single text box.

Captura de Pantalla 2023-03-16 a las 14.33.26.png

At first I thought it was because of a specific typeface but it happens with every typeface i have. I also tried changing the "text box type" in XD but it doesn't make any difference.

Captura de Pantalla 2023-03-16 a las 14.35.00.png

I didn't have this issue before, one day it didn't work properly anymore and it's getting annoying to enter the text from scratch in AE.

Hope it's easier than it seems to fix it! thank you in advance

Design , Import and export






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