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Adaptive icons | Android Developers
It does not appear Adaptive Icons are supported yet for AIR applications. Please correct me if I am wrong. Is support coming in a future release? How can I go about manually adding round icons/ foreground / background icons to my application? I've tried editing the manifestAdditions section to include such things without any success.
This is possibly the same issueAndroid Round Icons?
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They're not supported, though it would be great if someone from Adobe would chime in and let us know if there's anything in the works. Starting next week, all new Android apps in Google Play must use the newer API Level that includes these adaptive icons, so we'll all be stuck with a small square icon in a white circle on Android 8+ if there isn't support for this coming soon.
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I was trying to include the required resources as a part of ANE and then link them from manifest, but it is not allowed to change icon using manifest from AIR SDK:
application.xml: error 404: Android attribute android:icon is not allowed to be overridden
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Thank you,
when using the default name which AIR is using, your method is working... just one must create extension for each app. I hope Adobe will notice this issue as the solution (for integrating it into SDK) is really easy.
Btw... does anybody know if the animations are somewhere used already? So far I found that the only difference is, that with adaptive icon the original icon is not crippled into small rectangle inside the rounded icon.
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turns out that xml and png (mipmap) are situated in ane, and android:roundIcon in the main application manifest
I understood correctly?
(how did you associate an ana resource with the main application)
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I was wondering if someone could provide a generic ANE, that we could open as a ZIP file, then replace the icons resources inside it. It would be very handy. The other solution seems to be to copy resources files directly inside the AIR sdk. But I prefer the ANE approach, as it could remain an external file, with a specific ANE dedicated to each of our apps.
Thank you!
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distriqt has a free solution for this if you don't want to make your own GitHub - distriqt/ANE-CustomResources: Android Custom Resources for AIR Applications
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Whoa, thank you so much peter.nicolai, this is exactly what I was looking for! Much appreciated.
And thank you Distriqt for creating this!
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Guys, please, please, help, because it seems Im completely lost:
trying to include adaptive icons in ANE.
I have files "icon_round.xml" and "icon.xml". Both with the same content:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<adaptive-icon xmlns:android="">
<background android:drawable="@mipmap/ic_vino_background"/>
<foreground android:drawable="@mipmap/ic_vino_foreground"/>
they are in ANE at "...\icon-res\mipmap-anydpi-v26\".
also have in ANE other sizes subdirs: \icon-res\mipmap-hdpi\ , \icon-res\mipmap-mdpi\ , and so on...
every of them contains 4 png files: ic_launcher.png, ic_launcher_round.png, ic_vino_background.png, ic_vino_foreground.png in their sizes
then in my app XML descriptor i have:
<manifest android:installLocation="auto">
<application android:roundIcon="@mipmap/icon_round" >
Everytime I try to compile my project in Animate, i got an error saying:
"No resource found that matches the given name (at ´roundIcon´ with value ´@mipmap/icon_round´)"
Please, can anybody tell me, what Im doing wrong?
I tried different file and xml names, checked possible typos error in names, etc. still cannot get it to work. Tested, if all assets are in ANE (manualy unpack back the ANE to see if all files are really there - they are...)
When i change <application android:roundIcon="@mipmap/icon_round" > to <application> only in my app descriptor, whole project is succesfully compiled and ANE works just fine (but no adaptive icons at all of course)
Maybe wrong path anywhere?
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Yup, this is the place the error propably comes from, I forget to uncomment a part of ANE building script (which then tells the ANE, where the icons are stored). But dont have the Android 8 device right now, so cannot test the APK. But at least I am able to compile my apk, so looks good at the first glance....Nevermind, anybody please forget my question until my test will be done.