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Adobe AIR Rich Media notifications on iOS 10+

Community Beginner ,
Dec 19, 2017 Dec 19, 2017

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Does anyone able to implement Rich media push notifications for iOS?

My findings:

I'm working on Adobe AIR iOS application and want to implement rich media notifications through Native extensions(ANE). I'm creating iOS static library for ANE with UNNotificationServiceExtension implementation. Also adding serviceextension.appex file as Target Dependency in Static Library target. But not able to add serviceextension.appex in platformoptions.xml packagedDependencies.

Flash code, I've enabled UIBackgroundModes for remote notification.

<key>UIBackgroundModes</key> <array> <string>remote-notification</string> </array>

Service extension code is not getting called and notification is shown without rich media image. Please let me know whether its possible to implement in Adobe AIR or I'm doing something wrong.





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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Contributor , Dec 19, 2017 Dec 19, 2017

This can be done, but not as an ANE. You need to make a real iOS app extension in XCode just like in Apple's developer guides. To do this you have to first set up an xcode 'wrapper' project, and you'll have to repackage your app after building it with ADT to add the iOS app extension. This is a very old archived blog post but it pretty much tells you exactly what you need to do to set up the project, short of actually creating the extension(s), for which you can just follow Apple's docs. You can



Contributor ,
Dec 19, 2017 Dec 19, 2017

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This can be done, but not as an ANE. You need to make a real iOS app extension in XCode just like in Apple's developer guides. To do this you have to first set up an xcode 'wrapper' project, and you'll have to repackage your app after building it with ADT to add the iOS app extension. This is a very old archived blog post but it pretty much tells you exactly what you need to do to set up the project, short of actually creating the extension(s), for which you can just follow Apple's docs. You can even debug these with breakpoints, imagine that


It might seem scary and it is a bit of a pain to set up initially but it works, we have a NotificationServiceExtension and a NotificationContentExtension working fine. Good luck




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